It is the African country most open to African visitors in 2018


African countries become increasingly open to each other, Benin making the most progress in opening its borders to African travelers, quotes a report that assesses progress made by African countries in easing their regimes of visas.

The third edition of Report on the 2018 visa opening index published by the African Development Bank and the African Union Commission, Benin went from the 27th to the 2017 edition, to join the Seychelles at 1st place in the 2018 report, thus increasing its score 200%.

Benin is the second country on the continent after Seychelles to offer visa-free access to all African countries and the first French-speaking country to do so.

"Based on Rwanda's experience, I decided that Benin would no longer require visas for Africans. South-South cooperation can have a real meaning. My hope is that the cooperation between Rwanda and Benin can serve as an example, "said Patrice Talon, President of Benin, in February 2017, after the abolition of the short-stay visa for nationals of Benin. African countries.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has recommended to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) that it have favored an inclusive approach to integration. in the region.

"This is a decision that gives full weight to the goal of moving from ECOWAS to States to ECOWAS peoples by 2020," said Moustapha Cisse Lo, Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Benin's decision to open its borders was taken at the back of its Revealing Action Program in Benin which has made tourism one of its major economic development projects.

Following the move, total travel and tourism accounted for 5.7 percent of Benin's GDP in 2017, according to the World Board of Tourism and Tourism's Impact 2018 report.

This year, the French-speaking country has imposed additional measures to improve overall access to the country. The authorities announced that from March, non-Africans wishing to spend less than a week with a valid passport and a yellow fever certificate could apply for a tourist visa. Special on arrival for a fixed fee.

Since April, visitors from all over the world could get an eVisa for Benin as part of the country's strategy. Smart Gouv Program streamline visa entry and short-stay visa processes, according to the Visa Openness Index report.

Visa-free travel for Africans in Africa is expected to begin by the end of 2018, but with just 40 days to end the year, many believe that this will not materialize, as only 22 % of African countries have taken this step to open their doors. their borders to other Africans.

The idea of ​​having an African passport has not made inroads in many countries of the continent because of fears of illegal immigration, smuggling, the spread of disease, terrorism and the loss of markets. local work, among others.

Despite the African Union's (AU) roadmap to guarantee African Africans visa-free visas by 2020, Seychelles is the only country where visa-free travel is open to all Africans as well as to citizens of all countries. Ghana, Rwanda, Namibia, Mauritius, Benin and Kenya have all eased the travel restrictions imposed on other African nationals.

Last month, following South Africa's announcement that it was easing its travel rules to revive its economy, Ethiopia had followed suit by introducing a visa regime at the end of the year. the arrival for all Africans entering the country. This means that Africans would not necessarily need to apply for a visa before entering the country. All holders of African passports must fly and have their visas stamped upon arrival.

At the time of this announcement, the Ethiopian authorities had stated that a relaxation of the visa regime would strengthen the opening of the country and allow it to exploit the important transit transit traffic of the country. Ethiopian Airlines, the national carrier, which would be the largest and most profitable air carrier in Africa. Prior to that, Ethiopia had begun issuing online visas to tourists and other visitors from around the world.

Botswana is currently the last country to have announced the arrival visa policy for Africans. Beginning November 24, 2018, the southern African country will offer tourist visas upon arrival to boost tourism and other business activities, President Mokgweetsi Masisi announced this month.

For the moment, citizens of African countries still need a visa to visit more than half of the continent's 54 countries. This shows that further progress is needed to achieve the free movement of people across the continent, according to the visa liberalization index.

The report, which analyzes the visa requirements imposed by each African Union member state to other Member States wishing to enter their borders, aims to show at a glance which countries facilitate travel by citizens of other African countries. and how.

It also examines whether these countries allow people to travel to their country without a visa. if travelers can obtain a visa upon arrival in the country; or if visitors must obtain a visa before traveling.

This year's results show that the 20 countries most open to obtaining visas continue to improve their average score, reflecting the more liberal visa policy of countries. Overall, compared to 2017, Africans do not need visas to travel to 25% of other African countries (instead of 22%). can obtain visas upon arrival in 24% of other African countries (like last year); and need visas to visit 51% of other African countries (instead of 54%), says the report.

In addition to Benin, the following countries have also made significant progress:

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