It's the end of a golden age, but not necessarily the end of the warrior dynasty

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The Golden State Warriors have had tremendous success, along with a few other NBA franchises, over the past five years. Now, they face multiple threats to their dynasty. Already free agency imminent this summer, with the very real danger of Kevin Durant choosing to practice his job elsewhere, and Klay Thompson due for a new bumper contract too.

Then come consecutive devastating injuries in the final two games of the NBA Finals. As if The achilles injury of Durant was not enough, Thompson tore his ACL, jeopardizing his entire 2019/20 season and with it change the path of warriors.

The last nail in the coffin could be the Anthony Davis trade at the Los Angeles Lakers. Along with LeBron James and potentially another star of free-agent, the Lakers franchise could be reborn, eclipsing the Warriors' dynasty as a team to beat in the West.

Indeed, for the first time in four years the warriors are not the favorites of the bookmaker to win the title next season. After Davis trading, the Lakers led the standings at +350, followed by Milwaukee Bucks (+700), Houston Rockets (+900), Clippers, Raptors and Warriors (+1000) tied for fourth place .

The NBA dynasty life cycle is a familiar journey

The Golden State Warriors have experienced one of the greatest travels in the history of the NBA. Each dynasty benefits from its ascent and the warriors are no different.

Under Mark Jackson, they eliminated the Denver Nuggets in the 2013 playoffs and scared the powerful San Antonio Spurs behind an emergent Steph Curry. The following year, a series of seven tough games against the Los Angeles Clippers ended in a first-round exit, but lightning bolts were unearthed. what Draymond Green could become.

Then Steve Kerr arrived and these warriors were born. His offensive system, based on a multitude of moves of players and balls and taking advantage of the legendary shooting of Curry and Thompson, has fundamentally changed the NBA. They associated this with a pioneering defense based on multiple high IQ defenders, like Andre Iguodala, and Green's iron will.

This unique combination saw the Warriors fight their way through the league to win their first title in 2015, before breaking the long-standing Chicago Bulls record next year with an unimaginable 73-9 regular season and a heartbreaker. equally amazing in the NBA Finale at the hands of a transcendent performance of James.

What followed was the next step taken by the NBA dynasties – their heyday. In the summer of 2016, Durant, the most valuable former NBA veteran, created an unstoppable monster.

After a season of 67-15, the Warriors tore the playoffs, setting another NBA record with a 16-1 record in the playoffs. The 2018 title race has been tougher, with the wear and tear that's setting in, and a new contender for the Houston Rockets is targeting their crown. But they found themselves twice champions for the first time in their history.

For a good part of the season, the warriors seemed ready to become the first team since the 1960s Boston Celtics win four titles in five years. By reaching their fifth consecutive NBA Finals, they have marked the history of the modern NBA, but in the end, the physical toll has turned out to be too heavy.

It's a historical part of basketball

Forty years elapsed between the 1975 championship led by Rick Barry and the start of that golden age. Many Warriors fans thought that they would never see a title, let alone title three. During all the lean years that the faithful who filled Oracle Arena have endured, the NBA world has witnessed the most incredible basketball ever played in the last five years.

It's worth taking a break to reflect what fans of the NBA have been treated in recent years. The movement of the ball resulting from the egalitarian offensive of the Warriors is invisible since the heyday of the Lakers Showkers, who averaged less than 29.5 assists per game for a full decade, surpassing the mark of 30 aids per game twice in 1982/83 (30.7). ) and 1984/85 (31.4). The Warriors have averaged 29 assists per game in the last five years, leading the league in team assist each of those years and reaching the 30-pass mark in 2016/17 (30.4).

They recorded two of the three best seasons in terms of offensive rankings since the NBA / ABA merger, ranking 115.9 in 2018/19, and tied the Lakers of 1986/1987 for second place with a ranking of 115. , 6 in 2016. / 17. They also have two of the ten most defensive seasons over the same period, being 103.8 in 2015/16 (8th of all time) and 104 in 2016/17 (9th of all time ).

Let's not forget that the Warriors were the first team to shoot down 1000 three-point shots, led by Steph Curry's record (402) during his season unanimously at the MVP. They have further improved this brand this year, but they had already opened the floodgates with their 2015/16 avalanche, with the last three seasons of the Houston Rockets and Milwaukee Bucks this year in front of them in all-time standings. fire sign of their revolutionary impact.

And of course, they have won the most regular season wins (322) in five years in NBA history. At any point of the imagination, and they stretched their imagination, the race was amazing.

What happens next?

The Warriors have certainly proven themselves in the NBA Finals this year. At the end of their series against a new champion worthy of the Toronto Raptors, the Warriors looked like Monty Python's Black Knight, the members torn apart, but refusing to fall without a serious fight. But that was not the case. Now, the Warriors are facing the biggest challenge facing all major NBA dynasties: reconstruction.

All the biggest dynasties had to find a way to extend their window. The Chicago Bulls are the gold standard of the modern NBA, but its domination in the 90s was interrupted for two years thanks to Michael Jordan's first retirement.

The Showtime Lakers have gone through several iterations around the constant core of Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. After winning the NBA title in 1980 in the first year of Magic, they lost in the first round in 1981. They then reached four consecutive NBA finals, winning the victories in 1982 and 1985. After missing the final in 1986 they rebounded. with repeated titles in 1987 and 1988, before their dynasty ended at the hands of the Detroit Pistons in 1989. In total, they reached nine NBA finals in 12 years, winning five titles between 1980 and 1988. While fighting what Pat Riley has dubbed "the disease more."

The next segment of Lakers domination began with three rounds to kick off the post-Jordan era, led by Shaquille O-Neal and Kobe Bryant. Who knows what they could have done without all this quarrel, but once they exchanged Shaq, the Lakers successfully rebuilt their list around Bryant and finally won two other titles.

The San Antonio Spurs offer another model, which Steve Kerr knows very well to have completed his career. In 15 years, they have won five titles, essentially composed of three different teams. First come the "twin towers" of David Robinson and Tim Duncan. Then the trio Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili and Duncan took over. Finally, after seven years of trying to return to the top of the mountain, the Spurs ended the Miami Heat's brief reign of terror with the fruits of their exchange with Kawhi Leonard in 2011.

The last step is the hardest

All these dynasties offer warriors some guidance and hope. There is no doubt that the challenge is immense. Durant and Thompson are probably both absent for most of next year, and Durant's future is very uncertain. The way these two people will recover from their wounds will determine a lot.

The NBA will not be stationary either. The Rockets imposed themselves in 2018 to overthrow the Warriors after negotiating for Chris Paul. The Raptors have been successful this year, having thrown all their chips and exchanged for Leonard. Now, the Lakers trade for Davis is the opening salvo of the frenzy of free agencies about to engulf the league. A warrior dynasty opens the window for everyone.

But warriors have certain factors in their favor. They are aging, but not old. Re-signing Durant is, of course, the fastest way to return to controversy. If they can stay together over the next year, Curry and Durant will enter the 2020/21 season at age 32, the same age as Jordan when he returned from his brief baseball stint. Thompson and Draymond Green will be 30 years old. There is no guarantee, but this core should still be able to be a serious competitor for a few more years.

They certainly do not plan to go anywhere if they can help him. GM Warriors Bob Myers came as close as the rules of the NBA allow say that they would offer a maximum of offers to Durant and Thompson this summer in order to keep them. Meanwhile, Thompson's father, Mychal, himself a veteran of these Lakers Showkers, was make cryptic comments about Durant, Thompson and "unfinished business".

Even without Durant, the core of the warriors composed of Curry, Thompson and Green Demonstrates resilience and tenacity in the later phases of the playoffs that will keep them in the mix once Thompson returns to the field.

This trio may not be the favorite against a new super team in Los Angeles, and all the other contenders this summer, but the Dallas Mavericks in 2011 and the Toronto Raptors this year have shown that the championships are Were not a predetermined matter. Super teams can lose. The teams of intelligent veterans, robust and able to shoot and play in defense are always at the rendezvous. Warriors will also be have the opportunity to restart the list in 2020 and beyond, if everything goes south.

The Warriors need an injection of young people to survive

The first step for the warriors to try to extend their window is to rebuild their depth. Iguodala, which played an important role in their success, had its best season in years, but hinted that he could not play any longer. Even if he stayed in the area after the last year of his current contract, he would be 36 at the start of the 2020/21 season. Shaun Livingston, one of the most underrated players in the Warriors locker room during this period, is at the end of his career.

The next season offers the opportunity to reconstitute some of the support actors through the draft and to give some young players the opportunity to develop. The Spurs model of drawing and developing a star at Leonard was a stroke of genius and a bit of luck with the 15th choice, which would be almost impossible to replicate. But warriors can start filling the list with some young talent this week.

More importantly, they hold their own choice next year. It remains to be seen what kind of team the Warriors could embark for open Chase Center in San Francisco, but even at best, stay afloat until Thompson returns quickly, then make playoff noise as a frightening low seed, it is likely that they will outperform the 28 next year.

If the season goes bad, there is an outside change that could prompt them to close Curry and Green relatively early and try to improve their repechage position. After all, the most flattering lottery odds will save you from being one of the worst franchises in the league to try your luck. The attention of the Warriors will not have escaped the attention that the Spurs Dynasty was built in a single season to allow Tim Duncan to win the first place when David Robinson will be out. It remains to be seen whether the ambitious Joe Lacob is ready to face the first year in his luxurious career.

The dynasties have come and gone in the NBA. Few people have faced the powerful cocktail of independent players, new contenders and crippling wounds, just like the Warriors. But as long as they have Curry, Green and Thompson the Warriors have a proven championship core. After attending the last five years of this historic race, it would be foolish to dismiss them completely.


The Golden State Warriors have had tremendous success, along with a few other NBA franchises, over the past five years. Now, they face multiple threats to their dynasty. Already free, free will prevailed over the summer, with the very real danger that Kevin Durant chooses to practice his job elsewhere, and that Klay Thompson also expects a new exceptional contract.

Then come consecutive devastating injuries in the final two games of the NBA Finals. As if Durant's injury to Achilles was not enough, Thompson tore up his ACL, compromising his entire 2019/20 season and altering the Warriors' course.

The last nail in the coffin could well be Anthony Davis' trade with the Los Angeles Lakers. Along with LeBron James and potentially another star of free-agent, the Lakers franchise could be reborn, eclipsing the Warriors' dynasty as a team to beat in the West.

Indeed, for the first time in four years, the Warriors are not favorites of the bookmaker to win the title next season. After Davis trading, the Lakers led the standings at +350, followed by Milwaukee Bucks (+700), Houston Rockets (+900), Clippers, Raptors and Warriors (+1000) tied for fourth place .

The NBA dynasty life cycle is a familiar journey

The Golden State Warriors have experienced one of the greatest travels in the history of the NBA. Each dynasty benefits from its ascent and the warriors are no different.

Under Mark Jackson, they eliminated the Denver Nuggets in the 2013 playoffs and scared the powerful San Antonio Spurs behind an emergent Steph Curry. The following year, a string of seven tough games against the Los Angeles Clippers resulted in a first-round exit, but unearthed snippets of what Draymond Green could become.

Then Steve Kerr arrived and these warriors were born. His offensive system, based on a multitude of moves of players and balls and taking advantage of the legendary shooting of Curry and Thompson, has fundamentally changed the NBA. They associated this with a pioneering defense based on multiple high IQ defenders, like Andre Iguodala, and Green's iron will.

This unique combination saw the Warriors fight their way through the league to win their first title in 2015, before breaking the long-standing Chicago Bulls record next year with an unimaginable 73-9 regular season and a heartbreaker. equally amazing in the NBA Finale at the hands of a transcendent performance of James.

What followed was the next step taken by the NBA dynasties – their heyday. In the summer of 2016, Durant, the most valuable former NBA veteran, created an unstoppable monster.

After a season of 67-15, the Warriors tore the playoffs, setting another NBA record with a 16-1 record in the playoffs. The 2018 title race has been tougher, with the wear and tear that's setting in, and a new contender for the Houston Rockets is targeting their crown. But they found themselves twice champions for the first time in their history.

For much of the season, the Warriors seemed set to become the first Boston Celtics team since the 1960s to win four titles in five years. By reaching their fifth consecutive NBA Finals, they have marked the history of the modern NBA, but in the end, the physical toll has turned out to be too heavy.

It's a historical part of basketball

Forty years elapsed between the 1975 championship led by Rick Barry and the start of that golden age. Many Warriors fans thought that they would never see a title, let alone title three. During all the lean years that the faithful who filled Oracle Arena have endured, the NBA world has witnessed the most incredible basketball ever played in the last five years.

It's worth taking a break to reflect what fans of the NBA have been treated in recent years. The movement of the ball resulting from the egalitarian offensive of the Warriors is invisible since the heyday of the Lakers Showkers, who averaged less than 29.5 assists per game for a full decade, surpassing the mark of 30 aids per game twice in 1982/83 (30.7). ) and 1984/85 (31.4). The Warriors have averaged 29 assists per game in the last five years, leading the league in team assist each of those years and reaching the 30-pass mark in 2016/17 (30.4).

They recorded two of the three best seasons in terms of offensive rankings since the NBA / ABA merger, ranking 115.9 in 2018/19, and tied the Lakers of 1986/1987 for second place with a ranking of 115. , 6 in 2016. / 17. They also have two of the ten most defensive seasons over the same period, being 103.8 in 2015/16 (8th of all time) and 104 in 2016/17 (9th of all time ).

Let's not forget that the Warriors were the first team to shoot down 1000 three-point shots, led by Steph Curry's record (402) during his season unanimously at the MVP. They have further improved this brand this year, but they had already opened the floodgates with their 2015/16 avalanche, with the last three seasons of the Houston Rockets and Milwaukee Bucks this year in front of them in all-time standings. fire sign of their revolutionary impact.

And of course, they have won the most regular season wins (322) in five years in NBA history. At any point of the imagination, and they stretched their imagination, the race was amazing.

What happens next?

The Warriors have certainly proven themselves in the NBA Finals this year. At the end of their series against a new champion worthy of the Toronto Raptors, the Warriors looked like Monty Python's Black Knight, the members torn apart, but refusing to fall without a serious fight. But that was not the case. Now, the Warriors are facing the biggest challenge facing all major NBA dynasties: reconstruction.

All the biggest dynasties had to find a way to extend their window. The Chicago Bulls are the gold standard of the modern NBA, but its domination in the 90s was interrupted for two years thanks to Michael Jordan's first retirement.

The Showtime Lakers have gone through several iterations around the constant core of Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. After winning the NBA title in 1980 in the first year of Magic, they lost in the first round in 1981. They then reached four consecutive NBA finals, winning the victories in 1982 and 1985. After missing the final in 1986 they rebounded. with repeated titles in 1987 and 1988, before their dynasty ended at the hands of the Detroit Pistons in 1989. In total, they reached nine NBA finals in 12 years, winning five titles between 1980 and 1988. While fighting what Pat Riley has dubbed "the disease more."

The next segment of Lakers domination began with three rounds to kick off the post-Jordan era, led by Shaquille O-Neal and Kobe Bryant. Who knows what they could have done without all this quarrel, but once they exchanged Shaq, the Lakers successfully rebuilt their list around Bryant and finally won two other titles.

The San Antonio Spurs offer another model, which Steve Kerr knows very well to have completed his career. In 15 years, they have won five titles, essentially composed of three different teams. First come the "twin towers" of David Robinson and Tim Duncan. Then the trio Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili and Duncan took over. Finally, after seven years of trying to return to the top of the mountain, the Spurs ended the Miami Heat's brief reign of terror with the fruits of their exchange with Kawhi Leonard in 2011.

The last step is the hardest

All these dynasties offer warriors some guidance and hope. There is no doubt that the challenge is immense. Durant and Thompson are probably both absent for most of next year, and Durant's future is very uncertain. The way these two people will recover from their wounds will determine a lot.

The NBA will not be stationary either. The Rockets imposed themselves in 2018 to overthrow the Warriors after negotiating for Chris Paul. The Raptors have been successful this year, having thrown all their chips and exchanged for Leonard. Now, the Lakers trade for Davis is the opening salvo of the frenzy of free agencies about to engulf the league. A warrior dynasty opens the window for everyone.

But warriors have certain factors in their favor. They are aging, but not old. Re-signing Durant is, of course, the fastest way to return to controversy. If they can stay together over the next year, Curry and Durant will enter the 2020/21 season at age 32, the same age as Jordan when he returned from his brief baseball stint. Thompson and Draymond Green will be 30 years old. There is no guarantee, but this core should still be able to be a serious competitor for a few more years.

They certainly do not plan to go anywhere if they can help him. Warriors general manager Bob Myers has been as close as the NBA rules say they would offer a maximum of business to Durant and Thompson this summer to keep them. Meanwhile, Thompson's father, Mychal, himself a veteran of these Showtime Lakers, made enigmatic comments about Durant, Thompson and "unfinished business".

Even without Durant, the Warriors core of Curry, Thompson and Green has proved his resilience and tenacity in the final stages of the playoffs that will keep them in the mix once Thompson returns to the field.

This trio may not be the favorite against a new super team in Los Angeles, and all the other contenders this summer, but the Dallas Mavericks in 2011 and the Toronto Raptors this year have shown that the championships are Were not a predetermined matter. Super teams can lose. The teams of intelligent veterans, robust and able to shoot and play in defense are always at the rendezvous. Warriors will also have the opportunity to reboot the list in 2020 and beyond, if all goes south.

The Warriors need an injection of young people to survive

The first step for the warriors to try to extend their window is to rebuild their depth. Iguodala, who played an important role in their success, had his best season in years, but hinted that he might not play for a very long time. Even if he stayed in the area after the last year of his current contract, he would be 36 at the start of the 2020/21 season. Shaun Livingston, one of the most underrated players in the Warriors locker room during this period, is at the end of his career.

The next season offers the opportunity to reconstitute some of the support actors through the draft and to give some young players the opportunity to develop. The Spurs model of drawing and developing a star at Leonard was a stroke of genius and a bit of luck with the 15th choice, which would be almost impossible to replicate. But the Warriors can start filling the list of young talent this week.

More importantly, they hold their own choice next year. It remains to be seen what kind of team the Warriors could open to open the Chase Center in San Francisco, but even in the best of times, stay afloat until a quick return from Thompson and then make noise in the playoffs , they will most likely choose more than 28 next year.

Si la saison se passe mal, il y a un changement extérieur qui pourrait les inciter à fermer Curry and Green relativement tôt et à essayer d&#39;améliorer leur position de repêchage. Après tout, les probabilités de loterie les plus flatteuses vous évitent de figurer parmi les pires franchises de la ligue pour tenter votre chance. L’attention des Warriors n’aura pas échappé à l’attention que la dynastie des Spurs a été construite au cours d’une seule saison pour permettre à Tim Duncan de remporter la première place lorsque David Robinson sera sorti. Reste à savoir si l&#39;ambitieux Joe Lacob est prêt à affronter la première année dans sa luxueuse carrière.

Les dynasties sont venues et reparties dans la NBA. Peu de gens ont été confrontés au puissant cocktail de joueurs indépendants, de nouveaux prétendants et de blessures invalidantes, tout comme les Warriors. Mais tant qu&#39;ils ont Curry, Green et Thompson the Warriors ont un noyau de championnat éprouvé. Après avoir assisté aux cinq dernières années de cette course historique, il serait insensé de les écarter complètement.

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