James O'Brien: "A former EDL member said that my show saved his life" | Television and radio


James O'Brien is an award-winning radio presenter and podcaster with a current LBC newscast with nearly a million listeners each week. Described as "the conscience of liberal Britain," O'Brien is the author of the best-selling book How to be right … In a world that goes wrong, a guide to challenge those with "uncontested opinions".

How do you react to the critics of your show saying that it's not a fair fight between you and your listeners, because you have the upper hand and you can interrupt at will?
It's a fair fight because I've been on the radio for 16 years. I have what I suppose you could call a reputation. The clips that become viral are watched by millions and millions of people, so whoever calls me [must be] certain that they will get the upper hand on me. Sometimes you have the feeling that someone can be vulnerable, then you release the pedal, because there is no pleasure in knocking somebody who sounds a little badly. I interrupt you because you can not come on the radio and say things that are wrong.

Opinions only matter if they are based on facts and, tragically, too many places in the media, especially with politicians, will allow people to say things that are simply not not true and not to question them.

How often do you think people change their minds?
Not as often as I would like. A few weeks ago I had a guy at a debate festival who was a full member of the EDL before I started listening to my show. He stood up in front of 600 people and said, "I think you saved my life. "These moments are incredibly important to me, but it's extreme. I am not arrogant or naive enough to think that I move the needle in a national conversation close enough.

If you call your book How to be rightIs it fair that people accuse you of being a smug guy?
I think people who peddle lies to live call people who tell the truth with distinction. I am not mean, because that would mean that I enjoyed it.

Your book dismantles the racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic views you encounter on your show. But how much hostility or attitude change did you notice in your daily life?
I am a heterosexual white man and, despite what many people are saying right now, I remain the most privileged constituency on the planet … I do not have [that] experience. The mystery is how many [this] there have always been, and how many you have now because of your encouragement.

I would say he was there already, but the lid was just lifted.
Sure. Farage on the radio just flirted, knowing exactly where the line is, and Donald Trump crosses it daily. So we see people, personalities, incredibly powerful people saying these things and the "Breaking Point" poster [Farage’s 2016 anti-migrant poster] – There is no way to unveil this poster in public and not think that some people will think that it is normal to spit against dark-skinned people on the street. It is the extent of the impact of recent rhetoric on invasion, on cultural identity and on eroded values ​​- all of which are bullshit – has had an impact on beliefs. People who believe it find logic to their anger.

Watch an excerpt from James O'Brien's LBC show.

Do you think people are basically good?
Yes of course; you must. Look at the efforts to make people believe negative things: the effort is huge, it's the richest people on the planet, the most powerful media owners, it's the demagogues with the biggest platforms, season ticket holders on Question Time. There is a commercial and audience imperative in this country where there is noise and clicks, a big reaction, so it must be good. But of course, when the simple bettors look at this kind of things, they do not see circus or bonfire, they are simply seduced by narcissism and you do not have good looks if you are on the side of kindness and decency – you have nothing to point to.

You seem defeated even by the fightreturn!
It's pathetic. It's amazing. factionalism and internal quarrels are so much more important to a certain type of left-hander than to confront the conservatives or the government in recent years. They are obsessed with centrists, they are obsessed with blairists, they are obsessed with denying anti-Semitism when it is right in front of them. This is how the whole problem is born.

Does a career in traditional politics invite you?
I have a silent rule that says anyone who wants to do politics should be banned – you should be forced to do politics by plebiscite because people think you can bring something to the table. It is therefore very unlikely.

Given the success of Brexit, could Farage believe that the same applies to himself?
Farage is simply a very very good rowdy. He could not participate in the realization of Brexit, he could not participate in the definition of politics, he could not participate in the drafting of a manifesto or the constitution of an appropriate political party. Tomatoes, stay on the side of the stage and throw them to the poor breasts trying to make sense of the current issue.

You have just gone on holiday – What did you like to read?
I am halfway The ministry of truth, Biography of Dorian Lynskey on George Orwell 1984and it's absurdly good.

What's the last thing that made you laugh?
My 13 year old daughter is addicted to Saturday Night Live sketches on YouTube and Pete Davidson's character Chad, bring me closer to getting wet every time I look at it.

How are you relaxing and turn off?
Polar. We live near the Thames and I like to walk the dog there as often as possible. I like to walk to Brentford, where there is still a shipyard and where it really feels like the river was an industrial center. And I try to play Fifa On the PlayStation once a week with one of my oldest friends, we've been doing it for almost 30 years! I continue to want to take the meditation properly but I can not find the time.

How to be right … in a world that goes wrong has just been released in pocket size (WH Allen, £ 8.99). To order a copy, go to guardianbookshop.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK postage from £ 15 (online orders only). Minimum Phone Orders £ 1.99

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