Jimmy Kimmel exposes Trump's flagrant lie about their late-night meeting


Two weeks ago, after President Donald Trump spent several minutes of a campaign rally in South Carolina against the three big hosts of the network, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon joined forces to fight back to his scandalous insults. Tonight it was Jimmy Kimmel's turn

As Kimmel explained to his audience on Monday night, he's been on vacation since Trump made his remarks and, in fact, was so far away in the Montana desert that he did not even discover had happened until his wife texted their cell phone urgently. It was only when he came back from his trip that he was able to watch the clip of the President of the United States tell what he said now to be a completely fabricated story about him. .

During his rally, after calling Colbert a "" Fallon "and" a lost soul, "Trump once told where he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! before being president According to Trump, Kimmel was waiting outside his theater on Hollywood Boulevard and opened the door to him by entering. "I tell you a true story," Trump told the crowd. not even that he would deny it. "

Well, Kimmel certainly denied it on Monday, saying," That never happened. "

" C & # 39; is funny, "he says." We all know, as even people who love the president know that he manufactures things, but it's still weird to hear him tell a lie that specifically concerns you. Because all of a sudden you are like waiting, no, it is lying! "When Trump was describing himself at the time as a" guy with potential, "answered Kimmel," a guy with the potential to ruin all that is good in the world. "

Not only does Kimmel deny having opened the door to Trump – the guests do not even enter the studio from the main entrance of Hollywood Boulevard – he says that he does not did not even say hello in the locker room before the show. "I never do it," he said. "I like to welcome guests on stage. I feel stupid to say hello and greet me again 10 minutes later. "

" I'll tell you what really happened, okay? "Kimmel told his audience." Donald Trump appeared one night outside our show knocking on the back door. It was in 2007. He had a half-finished chicken bucket under his arm and he was screaming that he needed to go to the bathroom. But unfortunately, there was someone in the bathroom. I think it was Zach Braff who was in the bathroom. So Donald took a look around. He stuffed the rest of the chicken in his jacket, he dropped his pants, he did his things in the bucket. "

" It's true, "concluded the host." This story is exactly as true as his. "

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