Jokate Mwegelo appointed district commissioner of Kisarawe – Entertainment –



Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli named the ex-jokate Mwegelo of Diamond Platumz to a powerful government position

. In the changes he made to his government on Saturday, President Magufuli announced that he had named Jokate. Magufuli names Diamond's ex-girlfriend, Jokate Mwegelo, to the powerful position of the government (Instagram)

The appointment of the actress comes just a year after she's been Appointed District Commissioner of Kisarawe District

was chosen to be the leader of the Magufuli Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Youth League, a position she held until her recent appointment as DC

Jokate Mwegelo is a Tanzanian actress and a serious entrepreneur who is the CEO and the brain. behind the very popular Kidoti Loving, a fashion brand mainly dealing with hair, clothing and accessories.


Magufuli names Diamond's ex-girlfriend, Jokate Mwegelo, to powerfu l government position (Courtesy)

Her appointment comes days after she's done it again Online surface after months of silence from April, when his ex-boyfriend Alikiba walked into the driveway with a Kenyan. [CDATA[ */
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