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It's paying to be the boss

July 17, 2018

By Masoom GupteIt's in the numbers. Take a look at executive compensation programs versus bottom-ranked employees. If you have always wanted to know how your salary compares to that of the boss, you only need to look for a tiny data point in the annual report: Median pay roughly means that half of the employees in the organization earn less than the amount, while the other half earns more. Earlier this year, a new rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission required that publicly traded companies disclose their heads were offset against their employees, through compensation ratios. Similar ratios are already provided by Indian companies in their annual reports. Take a look at what some of the highest paid Indian business leaders are earning and compare this compensation to the median pay. In the picture: left, YC Deveshwar, and right, Vivek Gambhir.

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