Juno finds yet another potential volcano on the moon of Jupiter Io


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<p><figcaption class= The Moon of Jupiter Io The NASA

Scientists The NASA Juno satellite has collected data using the JIRAM instrument (Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper), which indicates a new source of heat on the moon "Io". According to experts, this could mean that Io has an active volcano

Data was collected on December 16, 2017. At that time, the Juno spacecraft was about 300,000 km from Io.

  The Moon of Jupiter Io

This image highlights the location of the new heat source near the South Pole of Io. NASA

"The new hotspot Io picked up by Jiram is about 200 miles (300 kilometers) from the hotspot previously mapped the closest. We do not exclude the movement or modification of a hotspot previously discovered, but it is hard to imagine that one can travel such a distance and still be considered the same thing ", a co-investigator Juno from the National Institute of Astrophysics Rome, Alessandro Mura

The Juno expert team will now continue to gather and review all the information that has collected on 16 December. It will also assess the JIRAM data that will be collected over the coming flybys of Io. [19659005AuparavantplusieursautressondesdelaNASAtellesqueVoyagers1et2GalileoCassinietNewHorizonsavaientvisitéetexplorélesystèmejovienToutescesmissionsavecdesobservationsausolavaientrepéréplusde150volcansactifssurleMaintenantlesscientifiquesestimentquelalunepourraitavoir250autresvolcans

Juno NASA spacecraft was launched on 5 August 2011,from Cape Florida Canaveral

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