Jurgen Klopp: All football fans agree that Sergio Ramos hurt Mohamed Salah "ruthless and brutal"


Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp insists that Real Madrid fans believe that Sergio Ramos' foul on Mohamed Salah was "ruthless and brutal".

After a record first season in Liverpool, who scored 44 goals In all competitions, Salah was sent off in the first 30 minutes of the Champions League final after facing Ramos.

Liverpool lost the final 3-1 while Ramos was unpunished for the collision and Klopp felt the referee at night, Milorad Mazic should have done more.

"We open this bottle again?" Klopp asked at a press conference when the topic came up.

"It's action-reaction-action-reaction and I do not like it but if you look at it and you're not with Real Madrid then you think that it's ruthless and brutal.

"I've seen the referee take charge of the big World Cup games and no one really thinks about it later. But in a situation like that, someone needs to judge better.

"If the VAR arrives, then you have to look again, not to give a red card, but to look again and say," What is it? ? & # 39; It was ruthless. "

Salah left the field in tears in Kiev with huge questions about his participation in the World Cup in Russia.


Liverpool goalkeeper Loris Karius, who later emerged, suffered a concussion during the match, made some mistakes to concede two goals against Madrid who won 3-1.

Karius struck Ramos early in the second half as he held the side of his head after the collision, which came before he made the mistakes that led to the goals.

Ramos later brushed allegations that he had deliberately hurt Salah, saying that he was unfairly "I'm not sure it will be an experience we will have again – go there and put an elbow to the goalkeeper, put his striker down like a wrestler in midfield and then you win the C's was the story of the game, "said Klopp

" Ramos said many things afterward that I did not like, as a person I did not like the reactions of him.What, what do they want, it is normal. "

" No, this is not normal.If you put all Ramos situations together, then you will see a lot of situations with Ramos … It's like we, the outside world, accept that you use each weapon to win the game, people probably expect me to be the same, I'm not. "

Repor Reuters.

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