Juventus sold $ 60 million of Ronaldo jerseys in 24 hours – almost half of its transfer fee


Juventus sold $ 60 million of Ronaldo jerseys in 24 hours – almost half of its transfer fee

  • Juventus paid 99.2 million pounds to Real Madrid to sign Cristiano Ronaldo for four years
  • million shirts, which can cost up to £ 123
  • Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer costs led to Fiat Chrysler is working to strike

Ben Rabinovich

They do not call the effect Cristiano Ronaldo for nothing.

Juventus won £ 99.2m on Cristiano Ronaldo, a 33-year-old Real Madrid player, but it seems that the quality of the five-time Golden Ball winner's game is already bearing fruit. 19659009] Questions were asked as to whether it was wise to spend so much money for a player who will reach 34 years old in February.

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There were even strikes organized by the Fiat Chrysler workers – the company and Juventus The unions are controlled by the Agnelli family through Exor – the USB syndicate arguing that the fees transfer would lead to a lack of investment on the part of Fiat.

The union states in a statement: "It is unacceptable that the FCA and Rob Wilson workers, from Sheffield Hallam University, told the BBC that the Turin club would be doing more than enough. Money to cover Ronaldo's expenses

He said: "The marketing lever that Juventus will be able to create will be significant. Added to that the likelihood that he will strengthen the team, it seems plausible that they will have more success at the national level and will qualify regularly for the Champions League. That means more sponsors, more money TV and more prizes.

And it seems that marketing dividends were collected within 24 hours of Juventus' decision to transfer Ronaldo

. news, Juventus sold 520,000 shirts bearing the name Ronaldo.

According to the shirt purchased by the fans, there is one for the fans and one for the fans, the same as the players wear. between £ 54.6 million (£ 48.8m) and £ 71.4 million (£ 63.8m).

That would already cover half of Ronaldo's transfer fee, and although Juventus would only see £ 4.5-7 million because the Adidas manufacturer of the shirt gets the bulk of the profits, the signature one of the most marketable athletes on the planet looks like a very professional movement.

According to ESPN, the arrival of Ronaldo saw the club go stratospheric stock, 33 percent the previous week before the announcement.

This represents approximately 231 M €. Business Insider reports that the stock has exploded by nearly 40%.

Not only that, the Juventus season tickets were all sold, 95% renewing their tickets and the remaining 5% being picked up by the selected members.

This comes despite an earlier price hike that has infuriated fans. Some regions experienced price increases of up to 30 and 37%. And they still sold after the arrival of Ronaldo.

The Ronaldo effect was felt socially and financially, Juventus' Twitter account having gained 1.5 million new subscribers in a day after the announcement.


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