Kenya: Visiting Korean leader donates 33,000 tons of rice to refugees


Nairobi – The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) received a donation of 33,000 tons of rice from the Government of the Republic of Korea on Friday.

The donation will enable the agency to provide food assistance to more than 1.5 million people, mostly refugees, living in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda.

The 33,000-tonne donation is the first-ever gift of rice received from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea

to the World Food Agency. food by visiting Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon at a warehouse in Nairobi

"The rice provided by the government of the Republic of Korea may not be enough to solve the problem of hunger. "I hope that even a sack of rice can help relieve the spirit of these refugees."

In Kenya, 13,000 tons of rice will enable WFP to continue to provide food-in-kind assistance 400,000 Refugees living in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps for at least four months from August

"We are here today to recognize the generosity of government, farmers and People of the Republic of Korea "Erika Joergensen, WFP Regional Director [19659003] "I sincerely hope and believe that this is the beginning of a strong partnership between WFP and the Republic of Korea."

15,000 tons of rice have already been shipped in Ethiopia. Cereals account for about 75 percent of the refugees' food basket.

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