Kenyan and Tanzanian leaders to create one border crossing to boost trade – Xinhua


NAIROBI, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) – Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Tanzanian counterpart, John Maghufuli, will launch a single border crossing (OSBP) along the border on Saturday.

Kenneth Ochola, Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Control, said Thursday that the launch of the border post would mark a milestone in trade facilitation in the East African Community (EAC ) and pave the way for rapid clearance of goods entering the main trade corridor between Kenya and Tanzania, thus more revenue.

"One of the key results achieved after its creation is the reduction in the time it takes to clear people and property from Kenya to Tanzania and vice versa," Ochola said in a statement.

"In 2014, for example, it took about 277 minutes to clear goods from Kenya destined for Tanzania, which has now been significantly reduced to about an hour, saving valuable time because traders are able to make their products available to the market in a shorter time, "said Ochola.

Namanga OSBP is part of the EAC regional initiative implemented jointly with Kenya and Tanzania and supported by development partners and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The Namanga OSBP, which was inaugurated in October 2017, opened the era of harmonized border services between the two countries and has since eliminated the myriad of bottlenecks that hinder the efficiency of supply. services on the site.

The border post also stimulates the tourist industry of Kenya and Tanzania, as it is the usual starting point for tourists to enter both countries, especially during the famous wildebeest migration.

The Namanga substation is one of 13 border crossings in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania that have been converted from two-stop border crossings into a single entity to facilitate the movement of people and goods across the border. through the EAC.

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