Kwale police seize bhang at roadblock


Police in Kwale County seized 40 kg of bhang in a bag and another 200 rolls of street value estimated at 200,000 shillings.

OCPD Joel Chesire, of Matuga, said officers holding a roadblock in Magandia late Tuesday along the Likoni-Lunga Lunga road caught the load after two people driving a motorcycle refused to stop for an inspection.

Mr. Chesire suspected that the bhang was being transported to Likoni from Tanzania through the Lunga Lunga border.

"Our officers at the checkpoint tried to stop the biker for inspection, but both managed to escape and left behind the bhang bag and rolls," he said.

He added that most of the county bhang is smuggled from other places.

Chesire warned those smuggling drugs into the county, saying their days were numbered.

"Your days are numbered and we will not allow smugglers to spoil the lives of young people, especially school children on vacation," he said.

He added that the police were looking for the owner of the drug.

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