Kwitanga prison becomes a national research center


The Prime Minister asked the prison management to improve agricultural production by expanding farms, increasing the number of prison officers with skills in agricultural research and replacing the existing palm trees with palm seeds.

at Kwitanga Prison. The PM is making a four-day official visit to the region devoted to improving the palm oil culture.

He insisted that each of the residents of the area must have a farm for the cultivation of palm oil. The movement aims to ensure that more farmers are involved in the crop culture.

The Prime Minister directed the head of the Kigoma area prisons, Sabas Matolo, to ensure the availability of modern agricultural inputs including tractors and harvesting machinery. He said that with state-of-the-art equipment, Kwitanga Prison should increase the production of cooking oil.

He also ordered the transfer of all prison guards with knowledge of growing palm oil to Kwitanga Prison.

Earlier, the head of Kwitanga Prison, Majuto Masila, said that the prison needed more than 300 prisoners to work in palm oil farms.

"We do not need fewer than 300 prisoners who will stay permanently here, we currently have only 112 prisoners," Msila said.

According to Ms. Msila, Kwitanga Prison was producing every year of palm oil. / 2016 it produced 16,094 liters, 2016/2017 (12,674 liters) and 2017/2018, 16,000 liters.

He said that the palm oil produced is partially consumed at the prison and distributed to Bangwe, Kasulu and Kibondo prisons in Kigoma and other prisons in the Kagera, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Singida, Dodoma, Morogoro and Tabora.

Prime Minister Majaliwa also visited a palm oil seed farm belonging to an unprofitable organization – Seed Change in the Mungonya region. He asked the district and municipal authorities of the region to buy the oil palm seeds on the farm.

Answering a question in the National Assembly in June 2018, Deputy Agriculture Minister Mary Mwanjelwa said the government was collaborating with the International Development Agency (AIDS) to reorganize Harvesting by implementing an international program known as the Tropical Forest Initiative 2020 (TFA2020).

More than 30,000 small farmers in the Kigoma region derive their income selling palm oil.

Tanzania has 27 agricultural research institutes specializing in the production of quality seeds and the improvement of extension services, as well as in the improvement of agricultural productivity.

Some of the well-established institutes include Naliendele in the Mtwara area, Ukiriguku in the Mwanza area, Ilonga in the Kilosa district, Uyole in the Mbeya area, Katrin in Ifakara, Selian in Mvomero, Tumbi in Kibaha, Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institutes in Dar es Salaam and the Tanzanian Livestock Research Organization.

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