'Lake Nyasa'


According to him, if well used, business people will, be able to experience improvement and growth of their ventures.

In his recent tour at Lake Nyasa's Itungi and Kiwira ports in Kyela District, Mbeya Region to witness The operation of the new ships Dr. Kamwele said that the completion of the ships is a major step in the improvement of the transport of goods and services

Transport Ltd., the 20bn / – the cargo ships have capacity to carry up to 1,000 tonnes of cargo each.

He however said that the remaining task is the construction of a 27kms road from Kyela to Itungi and Kiwira ports to enable smooth transportation of cargo and passengers.

According to him, the road construction is scheduled to begin in the next fiscal year as its feasibility study of the construction had already been completed.

"Improving port infr astructures and linking roads would be more effective, so it would be my opinion that it would be useful for me to use it. "

Dr. Kamwele said that the government is determined to improve water transport. Carrier, Galus Abeid, Portiller, Itungi port manager, Galile Abe, said that it is more important that the port of entry is effective.

19659002] "Traders are yet to use this opportunity," he said.

For his part, Kyela District Commissioner Claudia Kitta said that they will continue Educating traders and the general public in general

"We have business strategies with our neighbors in Malawi, and we expect to conduct business in Tanzania-Malawi business and investment forum," he added.

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