Lars von Trier's American house, The House That Jack Built, escapes ranking | Movie


US distributors of Lars von Trier's horrendous The House That Jack Built are subject to sanctions by the US classification committee after screening an unauthorized version of the film.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, IFC Films failed to obtain a waiver from the MPAA before screening a version of the unrealized film by the director, who portrays Matt Dillon as a sadistic murderer on Wednesday in a hundred theaters.

The IFC plans to publish an issue bearing the number R on December 14 in the United States, but the director's version – essentially the same version as the one presented at the Cannes Film Festival and which has led to mass disengagement – has also been marketed for an unrated output. Although unclassified film releases are commonplace, the fact that two versions of the same film are successively presented seems to have run counter to the MPAA rules.

In a statement to the Hollywood Reporter, the MPAA said:[We have] informed the distributor, IFC Films, that the projection of an unrated version of the film at a distance as close to the output of the rated version – without obtaining a waiver – constituted a violation of the rules of the rating system … No -respect of the rules can create confusion among parents and undermine the grading system – and may result in the imposition of penalties against the author of the film. "

Possible sanctions include cancellation of the film's R-score (which would mean the loss of much of its potential ticket revenue) or IFC's total exclusion from the rating process for up to 90 days.

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