Launch of a multi-stakeholder platform on the Internet at Dar


The Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TIGF) is a multi-stakeholder platform that facilitates the discussion of public policy issues related to the Internet.

"This is a forum that will help Internet users to keep in mind that in addition to using, they have the responsibility to win, learn and transform Internet in something positive in their daily lives but also to think about the political and connective aspects, "said Rebecca Lyakitimbo, the country's coordinator for the forum.

She said that the forum aims to be the tool to educate Tanzanian Internet users about their role when they surf the Internet.

According to her, the platform could have been a key tool for sharing her reflections on how the government should regulate the sector through the gathering of views.

The creation of the IGF was officially announced by the UN Secretary General in July 2006. It was held for the first time in October-November 2006 and has held an annual meeting since then.

At the launch seminar in Dar es Salaam this weekend, young people from different African countries were present.

One of Arusha's participants, Abdallah Lugome, said that the creation of the platform should serve as a warning to users and decision makers that if the public can be well informed about the best Using the Internet, there can be a lot of benefit to both individuals at the institutional levels.

Joy Wathangi, a participant from Kenya, said the forum had been established in her country a few years ago and that it was a key tool for influencing political changes, saying that Tanzania has adopted the same approach and made the internet a safe place. ]

"Internet governance is a key element, especially this time around, where East African countries seem to be defending each other by enacting laws that are not favorable to Internet users, "she said.

The number of Internet users in Tanzania has increased by 16% by the end of 2017 to reach 23 million, the majority of them using their phones to connect.

About 19 Million Internet Users in Tanzania Have Accessed the World Wide Web According to the Tanzanian Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), last year, Tanzania had 40.08 million dollars. 39; mobile subscribers last year, down slightly from 40.17 million a year earlier.

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