Launch of a new fund to promote market-oriented education in Tz


The fund, which will be administered by the Tanzania Education Authority (TEA), a state-owned public institution, will seek to increase the quality of candidates in the country's ever-changing labor market, in line with the current trend of government industrialization. The Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Joyce Ndalichako, announced yesterday that she would personally conduct regular follow-ups on how the SDF funds are used.

If funds are diverted, diverted or otherwise spent according to specified guidelines and priorities, responsible officials will be confronted with music of a type that they have never seen before, warned the minister, adding that she will personally take care of these officials. [19659002AdéclaréleprofesseurNdalichako"Jem'attendsàcequelesfondsatteignentlesbénéficiairesciblésenparticulierlescommunautésruralesVoussaveztousquec'estlegouvernementdelacinquièmephasevousferiezmieuxdeconsommerdupoisonplutôtqued'essayerdedétournercetargent"

SDF is described as a tool to promote the & # 39; expansion and quality of labor market opportunities for skills development in areas and enabling economic development by developing effective results-based tools to improve the relevance, quality, equity and efficiency of post-secondary education and training

. technical education and training, vocational education and training and alternative (informal) training. The six priority sectors for financing are agriculture and agri-food, tourism and the hotel industry, energy, construction, transport and logistics, and ICT (information, communication and technology).

"An industrial economy depends heavily on the contribution of science. and innovation. We need competent human resources that will do the job effectively and efficiently for the sustainable development of our nation, "said the Minister.

The SDF is part of a national project entitled Education and Skills for Productive Jobs (ESPJ), funded by According to Dr. Sarah Simmons, representative of the World Bank director in Tanzania, a good combination of education and skills will help Tanzania achieve its development and industrialization goals while creating more jobs. "This is especially important because approximately 800,000 young people will enter the job market every year by 2030, with varying levels of education and skills," said the Dr. Simmons

population growth trends, this number is expected to double to 1.6 million per year by 2030. "A high quality education and skills pertine They will be given the tools to lift themselves out of poverty and create a bright future for themselves and their families, "she added.

She advises the government to work with the private sector, asserting that close collaboration in skills development is essential because it is the private sector that knows best what kinds of skills are needed.

Professor Maurice Mbago, President of TEA General Erasmus Kipesha promised Minister Ndalichako that SDF funds would be spent according to the government's guidelines.

"All financial resources will be used with care according to the process and procedures, as well as a high level of efficiency and integrity," said Dr. Kipesha

L & # The aim of the FSD is to minimize skill deficits. Relevant skills for the labor market, improving the relevance and quality of the delivery of higher education services, technical education, vocational training and education providers and training in employment.

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