LHRC Urges NEC to Address Inadequate Partial Elections


Anna Henga, Executive Director of the Center for Legal Affairs and Human Rights (LHRC), said that there have been too many human rights violations in the current campaign for the by-elections of August 12 in different parts of the country. ] The CRHL statement comes just one week after the election campaign preceding the by-elections in the Buyungu constituency and 79 constituencies across the continent.

She indicated that cases of hate speech have been reported and that there has also been discrimination of candidates in certain areas.

The discrimination of the candidates in removing the names of the candidates from the electoral race was also noted to a large extent which discouraged the members and put them in the dilemma.

The law states that "no person shall be subject to discrimination on the part of any person or authority acting under any law or in the exercise of the functions or activities of a public administration ". The majority of opposition party candidates were a sign of a violation of section 13 (4).

"We ask CEN to rectify any deficiencies noted since the initial process of obtaining candidates and during campaigns to eliminate unnecessary conflict." 1965L002 "LHRC believes that NEC has the mandate to do so and can do it for It explained that LHRC condemns all the actions of injustice taken by uncivilized people quoting members of the political party recently to the Tunduma District Council In the event, members of the Chadema opposition party in the house of Tunduma district council member were ravaged by fire after the candidate moved to the party. in power, Chama Cha. Mapinduzi (CCM).

On July 11 of this year, it was reported that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) would spend at least 3 billion euros for activities related to by-elections in Buy.The Chairman of the Commission, Judge Semistocles Kaijage, said this in Dar es Salaam when he met with political party leaders at a demonstration where NEC sought to inform stakeholderspreparations for the by-elections. 19659002] "I urge you to fully understand the electoral laws so that we can help one another in the conduct of partial by – elections that will be transparent to all parties." On May 27, Kasuku Bilago, MPP for the party, said: CHADEMA opposition from the Buyungu constituency in the Kigoma area, died at the age of 54

.] Bilago died at the Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Dar es Salaam where he was admitted for medical treatment.

The deputy was flown from Dodoma where he attended sessions of the National Assembly.

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