Lunar Eclipse: "Blood Moon" arrives with many false reports claiming the end of the world


The Blood Moon is about to arrive – marking the longest lunar eclipse of this century.

The event is intended to be an astounding astronomical sight, and a fascinating science demonstration. But some people are convinced that it will be something else too: the end of the world.

There is no evidence that this will be the case. And there is a lot of evidence that this will not be the case, including the fact that almost all lunar eclipses are hailed as a sign of the apocalypse, and none of them has signaled the end of time.

In reality, a lunar eclipse is the result of a relatively simple process. It happens when the Earth just moves between the Moon and the Sun, blocking the light and making the moon a strange red color.

They are not as spectacular as a solar eclipse – during which the Earth suddenly becomes dark because the Sun is blocked by the moon – but they are still a fascinating event and vision.

This obvious fact has not stopped a series of reports suggesting that the end of the world could arrive on July 27, when the eclipse can be seen. Many of them go back to just a few accounts – but they are amplified on the Internet and seen by at least tens of thousands of people.

Many of the news outlets that report the claims point to Paul Begley, an American who claims to be a pastor and to host a YouTube channel. He has posted a series of videos, many of which predict the end of the world or indicate current events as proof that these predictions are coming true.

million. Begley does not seem to have even claimed that the end of the world arrives on July 27th. Instead, it's just a sign of what we already know, he said: "It's a sign of the end times because you're already at the end of the times, you do not. can not deny it. "

Eclipses could be augmented by the name "blood moon". Although the sentence sounds potentially threatening or even bloody, it's only a reference to the dark red color of the moon during an eclipse – an effect caused by the scattering of light that moves around the Earth, not by the bodies.

But it has also become a media phenomenon in itself. Much of this seems to be attributed to the Prophecy of the Moon of Blood – a theory that took root in 2015 when there was an unusual tetrad of lunar eclipses – four in a series, which are divided by six full moons.

particular sign during one of those lunar eclipses that the end of the world had begun. But it was the beginning of a series of articles, all of which shared entirely unanswered claims of previously obscure preachers, and which continued in the coming lunar eclipse.

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