Majaliwa leads to pay MP Steven Ngonyan


Among the mourners were legislators, top government officials, opposition leaders, judges and relating among others.

Speaking during the event, Majaliwa said that the death of MP Ngonyani has left a big gap in the country due to his hardworking

According to him, MP Ngonyani should be emulated on the heels of a life of a number of people.

For his part, Speaker of the National Assembly Job Ndugai said Mr. Ngonyani was a man of people whose life was the first major step to living peacefully with everyone.

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Anne Makinda said that she received the information that the MP had done a good contribution in the development of his people.

"I have been saddened with the death of MP Ngonyani, my condolences to the families of the deceased, friends and relatives. We are all praying for him to rest in peace, "

The trainer says that he is a very good person and has a very good job.

" Ngonyani was a very kind person (19659002) Speaking on behalf of Opposition Camp in Parliament, Vunjo MP James Mbatia

"He was a very cooperative man," he added, "he added,

Reading the late's biography, the National Assembly Secretary Stephen Kagaigai said that MP Ngonyani was born in 1956 in Ruvuma. He is expected to be buried today in Mndolwa village Tanga Region.

This would be the fifth Member of Parliament to pass away during the 11th Parliament by Speaker Job Ndungai.

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