Manchester Airport in the United Kingdom will introduce restitution charges


The Manchester Airport in the United Kingdom is expected to introduce new landing fees to cope with congestion at its premises.

Beginning July 10, passengers driving friends or family members to the airport will be charged £ 3 for five minutes or £ 4 for ten minutes to travel directly to the airport. Outside the terminals.

The airport estimates that the new fee will reduce the growing congestion level on the campus of the airport by reducing the number of cars entering the busiest areas of the site.

Manchester Airport has created a landing site dedicated to the three terminals and stations. From there, travelers can embark a free shuttle service to their terminal of choice.

The airport said that there would be no change to the arrangements to pick people up. Those who pick up passengers will have to pay £ 4 for up to 30 minutes in the multi-storey car parks of the airport.

"Manchester Airport has seen a significant increase in passenger volumes over the last five years and is investing heavily in growth and improvements."

Tricia Williams, chief operating officer of Manchester Airport said: "Manchester Airport has experienced a significant increase in passenger volume over the last five years and is investing heavily in the pursuit of growth and growth. Improved customer experience, in particular thanks to our £ 1 billion transformation program.

"We are committed to ensuring that people can still be deposited for free at the airport, which is why we have invested in the creation of a dedicated deposit site and d & # 39; A free shuttle service.

"The location of the site was chosen with care because of its proximity to all the terminals and the motorway network."

Vehicles circulating around the campus have been a major cause of congestion.

To remedy this, vehicles who want to pay the landing tax will not be allowed to circulate again and, if they are found to be violating the vehicles, they will face a penalty of £ 25.

Holders of a blue badge are allowed to drop off terminals without paying fees. In addition, private taxi drivers will benefit from a discount of up to 40%.

The Manchester Airport has a good environmental record, becoming the first British airport to reach carbon-neutral status last year.

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