Marijuana affects the development of the unborn child: study from the University of Alberta


Researchers at the University of Alberta said that a new study provides insight into how marijuana might affect human embryos.

For a year and a half, they studied the impact of THC and CBD, two chemicals found in marijuana, on zebrafish embryos. The researchers tried several different doses, comparable to the amounts that people use for medicinal or recreational purposes.

The study followed the fish from fertilization to adulthood. It had significant effects on the physical and mental development of embryos

. At the highest levels, it even affected the survival rates of unhatched embryos

Researchers warn that the results should not be considered as evidence of marijuana.

"I think research suggests to us that more work needs to be done," said Declan Ali, one of the authors of the study's report and a professor of biological sciences. "It's a good starting point for taking a look at humans."

The study has now been published in Scientific Reports, an online journal.

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