Mark Hamill shares Carrie Fisher's "Bittersweet" Souvenir in anticipation of the latest appearance of "Star Wars"


"He's bittersweet facing my last chapter without her-she's just irreplaceable," tweeted the actor on Sunday.

Mark Hamill took Sunday on Twitter to remember Carrie Fisher star of Star Wars before his last performance as Luke Skywalker in the hit opera opera movie series.

last chapter without it – it is simply irreplaceable, I find comfort in the fact that it will not be replaced and would like the global outpouring of affection of those who l & rsquo; loved when they heard the news #CarrieOnForever, "Hamill tweeted alongside photos of himself and the actress deceased in the role of Luke and Leia Skywalker over the years [19659003] Fisher died on December 27, 2016, a year before the release of The Last Jedi in which his character had an important role.Hamill and Fisher both had very serious moments in the world. screen in the long series of films from last year.

After Fisher's death, Hamill remembered his co-star in a column for The Hollywood Reporter . "She was a handful, but my life would have been so dull if she had not been my friend. "

Earlier this week, Hamill announced the Twitter that he would resume his role as Luke Skywalker one last time in the next episode IX which will be released on the same day. next year, alongside fellow Billy Dee Williams and Fisher,

Carrie Fisher

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