Mars is freezing, rusty and haunted. We can not stop looking at it.


Out There

An oasis in the sky inspires the imagination. A series of discoveries refreshes our aspiration to the red planet.

A lunar eclipse, visible in Sumatra, Indonesia, Saturday, could be observed alongside Mars, which is the closest to Earth for 15 years Credit Antara Foto / Reuters
  Dennis Overbye

He was there: glowing on the dash of the sky like a stargazer next to the full moon of blood on Friday.

He was brilliantly calling on 35.8 million miles of space, an abyss that humans wanted to cross as long as they knew that the lights of the sky are places this week, it's been closest to the Earth for 15 years.

The discovery of a lake 12 miles wide under the southern ice cap of Mars by the Mars Express orbit of the European Space Agency An oasis for interplanetary dreamers. Microbes are known to inhabit similar lakes on Earth, and who knows? Could small martian insects swim there under a mile of ice that prevents cosmic rays from spreading and keeps the martian water?

March has always been the backyard of our imaginations, the place where we could live someday. the invaders would come in flying saucers to enslave us and steal our water. Our robots have already crossed this space again and again.

The NASA Curiosity rover in February near the edge of the crater of Gale, one of the many robots that scuttle the surface of Mars

Agence France-Presse – Getty Images

is not crazy in astrobiology circles these days to have the opinion that the life that now envelops the Earth began on Mars, and then a pilgrim microbe was brought here on a wandering asteroid. We now know that the sky is an endless conveyor belt with cosmic debris of shiffling riffraff from planet to planet, even from star to star, personified by Oumuamua, the wandering comet of the outside of our solar system who sailed briskly through the planets last winter. In the fullness of time, everything happens everywhere.

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We Could All Be Martians , then, which could explain the apparently endless appeal of the red planet. The dream of exile to return to what could have been Eden. Elon Musk said that he wanted to die there, but he has not arrived yet going there right away.

I grew up terrified and curious about the place, having seen the previews of "Invaders of Mars." The movie showed a boy of my age, seeing a flying saucer come down under a hill, after which the inhabitants, including his parents, were kidnapped and turned into robots. My parents never let me see the whole movie.

He was paying homage to a part of a mythology that dated back to the beginning of the century, Mars being the dying house of a dying civilization of super intelligent beings – little green men – hanging on by canals bringing water from the poles. These visions stem from a misunderstanding of the work of the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, who, in 1877, thought he saw long and thin lines that he called canali (canals in Italian) which lacerated the surface of Mars. Percival Lowell, a mundane and astronomer took the concept seriously and began mapping what he thought were cities and canals on the planet

All that good sci-fi melodrama went away when the images space show the real planet, crater and dust. ] So, here are some concrete facts. Mars is about half the Earth, so the gravity is lower there – only a third of what is on Earth and so you could jump higher, ie if you could take a breathing. The Martian atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide and there is very little anyway, the pressure is less than one percent of the air pressure here. Ground temperatures range from 86 degrees Fahrenheit to -190 below. One day there are 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds a long time and a year is 687 Earth days.

Mars is red because it is rusty. Martian dust is full of iron oxide

It is, as would say a tourist brochure, a land of dramatic contrasts, with the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympia Mons, 15 miles high, and the Longest Canyon, Valles Marineris, 2500

Valles Marineris Canyons System, 2,500 miles long and 4 miles deep Credit NASA / JPL / USGS
Left, a view from Mars picked up by the Hubble Telescope earlier this month while it was wrapped in a massive dust storm. Right, Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system Credit ESA / NASA / Hubble

Of any this exploration, a new story has emerged, just as haunted.It is a planet once spattered by the oceans and dug by fast-flowing rivers, a world warmed for a long time by an atmosphere.But it s & # 39; Something has gone by and Mars has lost its sparkling waters and air

Now there are only bare shorelines, empty filaments of tributaries, silent rocks and occasional wet spots on them. flanks of the cliffs.if there was a life here, tells the story, she died or went into hiding

Instead of little green men, we are looking for microbes, that is, O.K. with me. I feel lonely and maybe the microbes will be what passes for the cosmic company.

The Vikings, who landed on Mars in 1976, were famous for seeking life in Martian soil. And scientists are still arguing over whether any of the four experiments actually had a positive outcome.

The Viking 2 spacecraft takes a soil sample. Credit NASA / JPL

In the next 50 years, we will probably know if Darwin's test tube produced another result in our own neck of the cosmos, in our own solar system. Mars missions have been running every two years for decades now.

We will not know for sure about Mars until someone walks and does exercises on it. I thought I would never live to see humans on the moon, but it was before SpaceX started doing things with rockets – coming back and landing in tail – that I had only seen in the old sci-fi movies.

We might not find monoliths or an extraterrestrial iPhone wandering around. We could only find dead microbes, or fossil prints of them. But even that would be exciting, to know that nature had already tried before.

But if they are alive – whatever that may mean – then a kind of spiritual and intellectual calculation will be upon us. Depending on the wild or familiar nature of these extraterrestrial creatures, we may have to decide whether our allegiance is to DNA-based organisms, or something even broader.

And we may have to decide whether microbes, or potential whole biospheres, have rights. If we decide to engage in the ultimate imperialist project, we could try to make Mars habitable for humans by heating the planet to melt the ice caps and release carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas – and the red soil. The result would be a thick atmosphere that would keep things hot and humid, causing intentional climate change.

Small amounts of methane are emitted from the crater Gale, which scientists consider a dried lake bed Credit [Enutilisantdesdonnéesobtenuespar20ansdereconnaissanceorbiteuretroverBruceJakofskydel'UniversitéduColoradoBoulderetChristopherEdwardsdeNorthernArizonaUniversityàFlagstaffontconcluqu'ILN'yavaitpasassezledioxydedecarboneactuellementsurlaplanètepourépaissirl'atmosphèreetleréchaufferplusd&#39Around20degreesFahrenheit

Terraforming Mars, they concluded, "will need technologies well beyond our grasp ."

We have centuries, if not millennia, to sort, as we should.

All we know about geology and astronomy tells us that the Earth will become an uninhabitable day.

If the arc of cosmic history If we retreat to the red planet, we might one day find ourselves in the metaphorical shoes of a family described in Ray's classic Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles". They fled the nuclear war on Earth in a stolen rocket. and took life among the ruins of the old missing Martian civilization .

To overcome this break, Papa offers to show his son a Martian.

They look in the water and see their own reflections.

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