Mars will not be as close or shining until 2035


You will not be able to spot the Mars rover, but at the end of July the Red Planet will be the closest and the brightest in 15 years.

Every two years, Mars completes its orbit around the Sun and aligns with the Earth in a straight line on the opposite side of the Sun, in a position called "opposition".

This year, the date of alignment is July 27th. The semiannual event takes place every 26 months, but because the distances can vary greatly due to the different elliptical orbital models of the planets, every 15 or 17 years, the opposition occurs closer to the sun. That's why Mars appears brighter in the sky.

In fact, astronomers will no longer see the planet as vibrant and detailed until 2035.

"This is not an event not to be missed," said Paul Delaney professor of science and technology. 39, astrology and director of the Allan I. Carswell Observatory. The university will host a free public screening "Mars Extravaganza" on weekday evenings, from July 25 to August 1.

The optimal observation is done with scientific telescopes, like those that York will have for public use at the observatory. Viewers will be able to see ice caps and surface markings on Mars.

"Everyone has a mind-set of what they'll see." Delaney told

March will be about 57 million km from here the end of the month, a little more than a million kilometers more than in 2003, when it was closest.It's 60,000 years old

But beware of the "hoax of March, "said Delaney," It's the name given to the lie that circulated 15 years ago when people were convinced that Mars would appear to the naked eye as big as the full moon. " disk (that's Mars) is reasonably large across a telescope, "he said.Do not expect to see anything awesome without the naked eye or with a pair the viewers will not be able to see much, you will be able to spot the dusty planet because it will be the brightest point of the sky when the twilight will end (when the sun goes down in the summer) st, Mars will rise to the east), but keep the experts for the best view.

Naturally, some viewers end up being disappointed. "This is not a Hubble Space Telescope," Delaney said of the university 's common star observation tools. There is a greater risk of disappointment this year due to the dust storm on the planet that trapped the Mars rover. The storm could obscure some details.

Yet the opposition of Mars this summer is an opportunity that will not come back for a moment. For many amateur astronomers, Mars is an impressive show, says Delaney.

"It becomes a tangible world for them," he said.

#March free ] @YorkUScience @yorkobservatory From July 25th to August 1st, from 9pm to midnight, when it will be the closest to Earth in 15 years. #YorkU Professor Paul Delaney & @LassondeSchool Professor John Moores available to discuss what it means #toronto

– York University News (@YorkUnews) July 10, 2018

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