MDC-T, ZCTU in joint demo. . . as the EU and the UK join the fray


It was then that the European Union Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Philippe Van Damme, and British Prime Minister, Theresa May, warned Wednesday that they were closely watching the process to ensure compliance with internationally acceptable election guidelines. see how these elections are conducted and consider conducting these elections, if any. We have said time and time again that if the Zimbabwean government can demonstrate its commitment to political and economic reform, the UK is willing to do everything in its power to support the recovery, but that commitment is essential. " EU is ready to accompany the new government's political and economic reform agenda, legitimized by peaceful, inclusive, transparent and credible elections, to ensure a better future. "

Last month, Chamisa led another protest that almost crippled the business in Harare and shook the corridors of power of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government by pressuring the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to run the elections in a free and fair manner.

The MDC-T youth leader, Happymore Chidziva, said yesterday that she informed the police of the planned protest, adding that they were expecting more than 20,000 participants in the event.

"We are expecting the presence of no less than 20 000. They are people in Harare only and our case is that we have made demanding reforms, but Zec does not listen to our demands," the statement said. youth leader.

"People come back to give a second signal that they continue like this, we will go to action.We want to push this regime so that it will anger the people." is a show of anger, especially on the voters lists and the printing of ballots.

"As youth commander, we said we would define, secure and defend our future and that Was a way to defend it. We will not allow the holding of elections in Zimbabwe until we have reforms, "he said.

Zec President Priscilla Chigumba, however, said that she would not yield to Chamisa's demands. "Mnangagwa spokesman, George Charamba, yesterday mocked Chamisa's vitriol attacks on Zec, claiming that they were (Zec)" both illegal and absurd, that's the least we can say. "

" Under the Constitution, Zec is required to make independent decisions as long as they are comply with the law, and of course to operate without any undue influence of any neighborhood whatsoever. In a poignant irony, hard to miss, the idea of ​​the independent commissions, of which ZEC is a part, came from the same opposition that now seeks to undermine and / or surpass them. Moreover, in our parliamentary system, the opposition has directly participated in the staffing processes of these independent commissions whose operations they defy and siege daily, "he said.

A letter of notification from the MDC-T to the police said: serves to inform you that we are going to have a demonstration on July 11th. We want to demonstrate against Zec for not providing us with a complete picture of biometric voters and not being totally transparent about the voting process. "

ZCTU General Secretary Japhet Moyo stated that their members would participate in the demonstration because they were also concerned about Zec's conduct.

" Our members came to the offices and complained that the elections are handled, that Zec is not independent, that Zec is allegedly helping a party to win the elections and that Zec has been an integral part of the rigging system.

"No one has approached us (to take part in the demons), but I have no doubt that our members could join them because they are not happy, I will not be surprised. if ZCTU members are part of this protest, "said Ncube, while repeating that their organization was independent of political parties

Ashleigh Pfunye, secretary general of Zimbabwe's National Students Union (Zinasu), confirmed in the demo to stack the pressure on Zec.

"As students, we will offer our solidarity to the MDC Alliance not because we support it, but because we do not want to establish a bad precedence of going to an election without reforms, "said Pfunye.

" We want to avoid a scenario where the electoral process is manipulated and the manipulators move freely, so our solidarity is based on ideas and principles and we will therefore show a maximum support to the MDC Alliance. "

Samuel Wadzai, the leader of social and economic transformation (VISET), said vendors would be in full force to pressure Zec and the government on electoral reforms

"We will contribute to any process aimed at ensuring an election and peaceful transition in Zimbabwe.

"Sellers constitute a huge percentage of potential voters and it is our right to be an integral part of the processes that aim to ensure the holding of free and fair elections and the demands presented by the L & # 's Opposition is legitimate in our eyes, so we urge our members to participate in this noble agenda, "said Wadzai.

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