Meningococcal epidemic in the state of Oregon | New


CORVALLIS, OR (AP) – An epidemic of meningococcal disease at Oregon State University is officially over.

The Corvallis Gazette-Times reports that the university has recorded five cases of the same strain of life-threatening illness over a 12-month period starting in November 2016.

(A sixth case was initially reported as strain B, identical to the other cases, but later tests showed that it was a different and therefore unrelated genotype.)

The disease mainly affects young people, often in collective living areas such as dormitories and homes of fraternity.

On Friday, a full year had elapsed since the diagnosis of the last case, meeting the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to determine the epidemic and allowing local public health officials to proclaim their victory.

All students in Oregon who are infected with the disease have recovered completely.

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