Michelle Obama lives her darkest life while Melania is in misery


M Elania Trump is arguably the most unobstructed first lady in modern American history. We rarely hear from her, and when we do, it's for an anti-bullying campaign – which makes no sense considering that her husband is the biggest bully in America. Moreover, when we see her, she wears offensive clothes like the jacket that says "I really do not care. From where? – she was wearing during a visit to a Texas migrant child detention center. Not to mention, her husband's connections are plastered all over the news. The happiest that she watched during all her time as first lady was when she was sitting next to Obama at a funeral for ex-first lady Barbara Bush.

Nevertheless, no sympathy for Melania here. It's the same woman who has confirmed her husband's racist belief that President Obama was not born in this country.

That said, do you know who lives his life and the darkest life? Former First Lady Michelle Obama

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Sunday, Michelle Obama was at The concert of Beyoncé and Jay Z in Paris. Looking gorgeous, she was sitting next to Tina Knowles and was seen dancing to "Drunk in Love" and "On to the Next One".

See the clips below:

Michelle has been fans of Bey for years.

Obama has already sprung Beyoncé. At an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, she said, "She is smart, she is creative, she is a wonderful mother, she loves her family." Exactly – and you also, Mrs. Obama! She also added, "She's just a discreet lady, so we have a lot in common this way – except that I can not sing, I can not dance."


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