Minister challenges water services to increase revenues


Expressing here shortly after visiting the authority, he said that it is not justified that the public service body perceives a so small amount despite the increased number of customers, especially now that the government has moved to the capital. Professor Mbarawa has asked for an increase in revenue perception that matches his consumer base.

He said that with the relocation of the government to Dodoma, the authority has a capital of potential consumers. As a result, the increase should be reflected in the revenue collected.

"As at present, DUWASA generates only 1.3 billion euros, but I hope that this figure increases to 1.8 billion over the next six months".

He urged the management to carry out an introspection because there is no way with increasing the use of water but the collection remains at 1.3bn / -, saying that this is unacceptable ..

"CEO your performance will be evaluated specifically in this test."

He stressed the need for departmental employees to observe integrity in working for common public interests instead of dealing with unfaithful customers to help them improve their integrity.

Welcoming the Minister, Duwasa CEO Eng David Pallangyo pointed out that some of the challenges were related to 28.7% water leakage

"Some meters are obsolete. in new water meters, so that theft of water and water leaks are controlled, "he said.

He also decried the outstanding debt, mainly in public offices. These are some of the youth issues that the organization faces.

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