More than 100 Catholic Bishops gather for the 19th AMECA Plenary Assembly in Addis Ababa


The Catholic Bishops of Zambia joined with other bishops of the Association of Episcopal Conferences members in East Africa (AMECEA), where Zambia is part of the 19th Plenary Assembly from AMECEA to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. together, a hundred bishops from the AMECEA region opened on Friday, July 13, 2018 and woke up Monday, July 23, 2018 under the theme "Vibrant Diversity, Equal Dignity, Peaceful Unity in God in the Region of the United States." AMECEA "

The delegation is headed by the President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Zambia, Bishop George Lungu.

According to the Assistant Secretary General of AMECEA, rev. Chris Ndaga, the plenary will propose six items on the agenda: Spiritual Remembrance for Bishops; the official opening ceremony of the plenary; Dicastery Workshop on the Promotion of Integral Human Development, Study Session, Working Session and Closing Ceremony.

Each agenda of the plenary will be held under a different sub-theme. The Spiritual Remembrance for Bishops will take place under the sub-theme Solidarity and Communion while the Opening Ceremony of the Plenary, which will be inaugurated at a great Eucharistic celebration, will be held under the theme "Celebrate the vibrant diversity ". The Dicastery's workshop on the promotion of integral human development will be under the subsidiary theme AMECEA, which advocates integral human development.

On the other hand, the study session and the business session, to be held from 18 to 21 July 2018 under the themes of peaceful coexistence and of the unity as well as the sustainability of the institutions of AMECEA and the ownership of the institutions of AMECEA respectively.

The Closing Ceremony of the Plenary will be held on Sunday, July 22, 2018 under the theme Celebrating our Oneness. It is the first time that Ethiopia hosts the Plenary of the AMECEA

Meanwhile, delegates from different ecclesiastical institutions are also participating in the 10-day plenary: delegates of the Symposium of Conferences Episcopal Bishops of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), Missio AACHEN, Missio MUNICHEN, Roman Curia, Conference of Catholic Bishops of the United States (USCCB), SIGNIS, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and CAMECO

D & # 39; Others are Church in Need, International Missionary Society, Association of Consecrated Women of East and Central Africa (ACWECA), African Coordination Team of the Young International Christian Society, Coordination Team of Young International Christian Workers and CAFOD inter alia

The last plenary meeting of AMECEA was held in Malawi in 2014.

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