NASA astronauts "killed" to hide false lunar landings


Astronaut James Irwin, pilot of the lunar module, performs a military salute by standing near the American flag during the Extravevegetar Activity (EVA) Apollo 15 at Hadley's landing site. Apennine on the moon, August 1, 1971.

The conspiracy theorists have strangely claimed that NASA astronauts had been "killed" to prevent them from revealing the so-called truth about the moon's landings

Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were part of the Apollo 11 crew that landed on the surface of the moon in 1969.

The remarkable mission has generated a series of conspiracy theories, with many writers claiming that the landings were a hoax, reports Daily Star.

Some theorists have even claimed that astronauts have been "pushed back" to hide top secret information about NASA programs.

One of them, dubbed Sound of Science, said, "10 Apollo employees have died in abnormal crashes, including collisions, collisions and fires.

"All but one of these deaths were directly related to NASA or the US Air Force.

"Did they know something we did not know? Have they been silenced?

The death of astronauts Virgil Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee in 1967 is a particularly shocking event.

They were killed in a devastating fire on the Apollo launch pad during a simulation.

The inside of the control module caught fire and each was asphyxiated – the source of the fire was never determined.

Grissom's family was not convinced by Nasa's explanations.

His son Scott said, "I think it was deliberately sabotaged by someone, that was a question in my mind.

"What the accident investigation revealed and how was it handled, was the CIA involved? This was done intentionally. "

Grissom's widow, Betty, added, "I think it's up to NASA to come forward and give us a direct answer to what has actually happened."

Many have speculated that Grissom was an alert launcher who wanted to reveal that NASA had no intention of landing on the moon.

Truther Thomas Pickering writes: "I myself understood why Grissom was murdered as he was.

"It was a suspicious or real alert launcher that had tried to reveal that the Apollo space program was a fraud that had no intention of going to the moon.

"From 1961, the Apollo simulation program was a type of American psyop and was never a real program to go on the moon.

Before the tragic accident, safety inspector Thomas Baron had written a report outlining issues related to NASA's parts, equipment and procedures.

He worked for North American Aviation, the main contractor responsible for building the Apollo control module.

Baron received the bag after disclosing the results to the media.

After the fire broke out, he testified before Congress and reviewed a 500-page report on the accident.

A week after their appearance, Baron and his family were struck by a train at a crossroads.

According to the three astronauts, observers claim that he was killed to deflect attention from the report on explosives – which would then have disappeared.

Bill Kaysing, investigator for the "Hoax of the Moon," said, "I think Thomas Baron was murdered because he had the truth to tell about the Apollo project."

Despite the theories, there was no evidence of crime in any of the above incidents.

Daily Star Online has contacted NASA for comments.

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