NASA News: Space Agency Launches Search for Alien Planets


NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) began searching for extraterrestrial worlds

TESS will send data to Earth next month, with new observations arriving every 13.5 days after that for two years.

Discover thousands of new planets and peer into new worlds for extraterrestrial life.

"I am delighted that our planet hunter is ready to start combing the backyard of our solar system for new worlds," Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division NASA, said in the statement.

"With perhaps more planets than stars in our universe, I look forward to the weird and fantastic worlds we are going to discover."

  nasa alien planet


MISSION: NASA launched a search for extraterrestrial planets

TESS was launched on April 18 in orbit around the Earth and then underwent a test period for s & # 39; ensure that the instrument was ready for use.

He sent a test image to his manipulators in May, showing 200,000 individual stars, many of which could be accompanied by at least one planet.

"TESS is NASA's next step in the search for outer planets our solar system, known as the exoplanets, including those that could support life," said the space agency .

"The mission should catalog thousands of candidate planets and dramatically increase the current number of known exoplanets."

TESS follows in the footsteps of NASA's iconic Kepler telescope, which during two missions has identified 2,650 confirmed exoplanets, according to the space agency

  NASA ALIEN PLANET [19659015] NASA </span>
<p>            <span class= ALIEN SEARCH: The space agency hopes to discover thousands of new planets

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Like Kepler, TESS will look for tiny dimples in the brightness of individual stars caused by a planet passing between his star and the telescope in his orbit.

But while Kepler limited himself to scrutinizing a small parcel of sky during his main mission, TESS studies almost all of the sky in his two years of planned observations

During this study, he will focus on the 200,000 brightest stars in the sky – which means that the project should identify planets around stars that sky observers know and love.

The team that designed TESS calculated that the instrument should spot about 1600 new exoplanets, some of which the size of the Earth.

An exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star. solar system other than the one the Earth calls home.

  nasa planet

DISCOVERY: A new group of 15 planets including a 'super-earth' was found earlier this year

"It's very exciting"


NASA reported in early February that the discovery of seven planets outside our solar system could hold "the key to life as we know it."

According to researchers, some of the seven planets The solar system housing these exoplanets – TRAPPIST-1 – is 40 light years from Earth, or 235 trillion miles

The seven planets are orbiting around the world. ;a star. % bigger than our Sun.

NASA says the planets closest to this massive star are more likely to have water than the more distant ones.

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