NASA's commercial crew program for the space station faces delays, according to a report


Launch plans for the first NASA astronauts since 2011 to the International Space Station from the United States are expected to be delayed due to incomplete security measures and accountability flaws in the commercial crew program, according to a report published on Wednesday.

SpaceX and Boeing Co are the two main contractors selected as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Commercial Crew Program to send US astronauts into space by 2019, using their satellite respectively Dragon and Starliner. The Government Accountability Office has stated that these problems could delay the launch of the first crewed mission from US ground by a private company and could result in a nine-month vacuum during which no US astronaut would live in the ISS . "1965e007" Boeing and SpaceX continue to make progress in the development of their crew transportation systems, but the two contractors have further delayed the certification stage in early 2019, "t" without a d & # 39; option. Viable urgency to ensure uninterrupted access to the ISS in case of further delays of the commercial crew, we concluded that NASA might not be able to maximize the return on its investment of several billion dollars. Boeing said that he was targeting test flights this year.

"Boeing works with NASA to ensure the CST-100 Starliner flies as safely as possible." Boeing spokesman Jerry Drelling told Reuters in an email

that the representatives of SpaceX, formerly known as Space Exploration Technologies, and NASA could not be immediately commented on., and $ 4.2 billion (about Rs 17,800 crores and Rs. 28,800 crores) contracts to build crew transportation systems as part of the commercial crew program, NASA's flagship campaign to use the private sector for ISS missions

In the report, NASA said that she was working closely with her business partners, and according to NASA, before SpaceX and Boeing can launch the astronauts, they must demonstrate that their crew systems are safe for manned spaceflight

. capsules of 3 9; Crew of private companies, including a Boeing Starliner abandonment system intended to eject the capsule of a dangerous rocket explosion and an improved fuel valve from the SpaceX Falcon rocket that triggered an explosion expensive dashboard in 2016.

bought seats on the Russian spacecraft Soyuz months in advance to send American astronauts to the space station from the launch pads in Kazakhstan. US launches before 2011 were handled by NASA.

© Thomson Reuters 2018

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