New development centers and their role in the economic progress of the world. Expert Discussion – Valdai Club


On July 19, 2018, the Valdai Discussion Club will hold an expert discussion on the upcoming BRICS Summit in Johannesburg entitled "New Development Centers and their Role in the World Economic Progress", with the Minister of Economic Development of Russian Federation Maksim Oreshkin

Watch live broadcast on our website at 9 am Moscow time

On 25 and 27 July 2018, the 10th BRICS Summit will take place at Johannesburg. In recent years, the BRICS has not only succeeded in strengthening and broadening the links between its member states, but also in transforming itself into a new center of political and economic influence. Initiatives implemented under BRIC auspices, such as the creation of the Development Bank, the gradual transition to national currencies, the formation of a new financial order aim to strengthen multipolarity and overcome Western dominance over the economy and global politics. 19659004] To what extent are the BRICS countries ready to cope with these changes in the global economic environment, which are linked to the actions of the major Western countries, in the first place, the United States. To what extent is the contribution of BRICS countries to the development of the global economic and financial agenda perceptible? What decisions can be made at the next summit? These and other questions will be addressed by the participants in the discussion.


  • Maksim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

  • Nomasonto Maria Sibanda-Thusi, Ambassador of South Africa to Russia


Working languages: Russian, English

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