Niantic Explains the Pokemon Go Prohibition Policy


Niantic issues warnings and bans for cheats in Pokemon Go since the game's launch two years ago. As the game continues to thrive, the developer finally decided to describe how exactly this process works. Although anyone who cheated in the game probably already knows this procedure, the two Goody shoes in the audience might like to learn how, exactly, Niantic tries to keep the game fair and fun for everyone involved.

Niantic Blog, the developer finally offered a glimpse of his discipline policy of three strike. We will return to the details first, then explain why it took them so long to be so serious about fair play in Pokemon Go .

According to the announcement, the policy is designed to provide offenders in the gambling world with a series of disciplinary measures, each more severe than the last. They are also very kind in their explanation, saying that everyone makes mistakes and that they want people to feel that they can grow from these mistakes. We are not sure that the usurpation of the GPS would be a "mistake" as much as a "flat cheating", but we can not blame Niantic for trying to give the players the benefit. doubt.

They keep it real simple in terms of what is considered cheating, by referring players to Pokemon Go's Terms of Service and to the trainer's guidelines, both related in the message original. They are also visible in the game and must be agreed upon before creating an account, so no one can really act as if they were not aware of the rules. Things like usurpation of GPS location and the use of third party software and add-ons to change the way you play the game are given as specific examples, and are exactly the types of 39 activities that Niantic has repressed much more recently.

Although not all offenders are offered three strikes, those who start, as appropriate, receive a warning. If this happens, you will receive a warning in the app letting you know that the cheat has been detected. For next week, you will not encounter rare Pokémon in the wild and you may not get any experience participating in raids. Stop cheating and things will return to normal.

If you hit this second shot, your account will be suspended, losing access to Pokemon Go for a full month. If you commit this second offense, you will receive a notification when you try to log in because you have been banned for 30 days.

The third strike, as you may have guessed, is a direct termination of Pokemon Go . Your account will be banned, permanently.

Niantic is open for calls, with a link to carry out such a measurement also included in the same post. As to why they are doing this, we believe that the inclusion of trading / more social features and the imminent launch of Pokemon Let's Go Eevee / Pikachu on the switch are wholesale contributors. They have always worked to prevent cheating, but now that the game is becoming more competitive and about to tie up with a Nintendo game, we think that they have decided that it's time to complete the loop and to make things clear for the community.

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