Nicotine Can Be Part of the Solution to Smoking – GFN


Nicotine Can Be Part of the Solution to Smoking – GFN

Rainier Allan Ronda (Filipino Star) – July 12, 2018 – 12:00

MANILA, Philippines – With the technological disruption brought about by the development of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or electronic cigarettes, nicotine has ceased to be the problem but has become part of the solution to the problem. persistent global scourge of smoking, vaping advocate claims.

"Nicotine is not the problem – it's a very big part of the solution," said Andy Morrison, former smoker and administrator of the New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), at the 5th Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) held in Warsaw, Poland June 14-16]

NNA is a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom that promotes understanding of the potential of nicotine products safer to reduce smoking.

Leading consumer advocates and public health experts around the world have noted toxic gases in cigarette smoke that harm health, not nicotine.

The challenge of quitting smoking is that many people find it difficult to stop smoking because it is difficult for them to do without nicotine.

With the arrival of ENDS and electronic cigarettes, there are now administrative products safer nicotine that can help people quit smoking and avoid the many health risks.

The 5th GFN theme for this year was "Rethinking Nicotine", which reflects the growing interest in studying changes in the use of nicotine and nascent science related to nicotine

"Tobacco kills two-thirds of smokers; we know it with a high degree of certainty. Current evidence shows that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than conventional cigarettes, but it would take at least 20 years of epidemiological studies to confirm it, "said Dr. Alex Wodak, president of the Australian Foundation for drug law reform and president. Wodak adds, "The obvious choice is to give smokers the opportunity to switch to a safer alternative," he adds.

Other health experts, however, warned that even vaping

David Sweanor, chairman of the advisory board of the Center for Law, Health Policy and Ethics, and assistant professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa, said that the success of the 5th RGF and more and more people from different backgrounds are participating in the discussion on the use of the I & 39. ENDS and electronic cigarettes for tobacco harm reduction.

"We have made tremendous progress in removing regulatory barriers and making breakthroughs in the development of safer, nicotine-based products … We must build on our successes and accelerate our actions," he said. said Mr. Sweanor. political issues for over 30 years and has played a leading role in setting many world precedents.

"We need to keep our messages about tobacco harm reduction and e-cigarettes simple so that they are easily understood by the media and the general public." Said Harry Shapiro, director of DrugWise, an online drug information service, lead author, and editor of the first report on the state of tobacco reduction in the world, is expected to be published in October 2018. [19659015] (function (d, s, id) {
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