Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Signs for Early Dementia: Sleep Disorder with Shallow Breathing or Pausing


SYDNEY: A sleep disorder that causes repeated shallow or interrupted breathing may be associated with changes in brain structure that are also observed in the early stages of dementia.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), common in the elderly, is a condition where the walls of the throat relax and contract during sleep, stopping breathing, and are known to reduce levels. oxygen in the blood. It has also been linked to heart disease, stroke and cancer.

The new study suggests that the decline in oxygen may be related to a narrowing of the temporal lobes of the brain and a corresponding decline in memory.

"Between 30% and 50% of the risk of dementia is due to modifiable factors such as depression, high blood pressure, obesity and smoking In recent years, researchers have recognized that various disorders of Sleep are also risk factors for dementia, "said lead author Sharon Naismith of the University of Sydney, Australia.

"We wanted to specifically look at obstructive sleep apnea and its effects on the brain and cognitive abilities," added Naismith.

 sleep-waking-up-tiredThinkstockPhotos-495772352 "title =" sleep-waking-up-tiredThinkstockPhotos-495772352 "/> 
<p>  In the study, published in European Respiratory Journal, the researchers analyzed data from nearly 100 participants aged 51 to 88, who had consulted with physicians preoccupied with their memory or mood but who had no diagnosis of OSA.
<p>  The results showed that patients who had low levels of oxygen in their blood during their sleep tended to have a reduced thickness in the left and right temporal lobes of the brain – regions known for their memory and their dementia.
<p>  In addition, the team found that this alteration in the brain was related to the lower ability of participants to learn new information.
<p>  "There is no cure for dementia, early intervention is the key, on the other hand, we have an effective treatment against the AOS , which shows that the diagnosis and treatment of OSA could be an opportunity to prevent late cognitive decline, "added Naismith.
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For a restful sleep

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Technology that is an integral part of our daily lives can not only improve our rooms but also improve our nighttime sleep.

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