Offer the American dream to African investors


Gar Lippincott and Daniel Ryan of Atlantic American Partners were in South Africa recently in search of wealthy individuals wishing to invest in the United States.

In September, in Johannesburg, it's hot in the spring. Gar Lippincott and Daniel Ryan wear formal wear. This is the first time Lippincott has arrived in the country and he is jet lagged.

A little over two months ago, he had been ordered by the United States to visit South Africa, but had been sent back to immigration. A complete irony for a man who helps people move to the United States.

"At the Atlanta airport, the lady looked at Daniel's visa and let it go in. She looked at my visa and she said," I'm afraid you can not get on the plane because you have to have a blank page on your passport. "I said" I have three blank pages "and she said" no, it's supposed to be the one that says She said it was the rule in South Africa and so I had to go home … now, when I came, I was told it was no longer a problem, so I'm happy that they have facilitated travel to the country, "said Lippincott.

With a new passport, he is here to search for people wanting to invest in the United States in exchange for a green card. Lippincott says he's still interested in South Africa for his growth prospects.

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"From what I understand, the factors that cause the short-term decline of the South African economy are designed to generate long-term growth and people will understand, hopefully," he said. he declared.
Ryan agrees: "I have lived in Malawi for 12 years and South Africa is still considered the brightest continent. Despite all the problems, everyone still wants to come here because of the opportunities. "

According to a report from AfrAsia Bank, South Africa ranks second behind Mauritius in terms of the highest number of wealthy people. This is the kind of people Ryan and Lippincott are targeting in their work at Atlantic American Partners. The company has real estate investors and professional private equity fund managers who manage money for banks, insurance companies and pension funds. In addition, they help people get US green cards and ultimately US citizenship through the US government's EB-5 immigrant-visa program.

"Basically, we are looking for people who want to move to the United States and we help them do it legally by investing. The good news is that our program also allows them to get a good return on their investment, "he says.

According to Lippincott, for a $ 500,000 investment that creates 10 jobs for American workers, you could get a green card in about two years and become a US citizen in six or seven years.

"Twenty-seven countries have an investor visa program, but with most of them, it's basically a fee you pay. For example, you pay $ 1.5 million in Australia … The fees are unique and you never get them back. One of the main benefits of our program is that you really invest the $ 500,000 in a fund. We act as the custodian of this money and within five to seven years they recover it with a little return on investment and you are a permanent citizen in the United States. "

Atlantic American Partners invests money in real estate projects such as hotels, apartments and student housing.

"What's good about this program is that it does not just cover the investor; it covers the spouse and children under 21 years. Our largest family was a Hungarian family of seven children. They received nine green cards for $ 500,000, "said Lippincott.

The company says it has had a positive response in South Africa.

"Two months ago we were here, we had six presentations for 100 people, and we talked to 450 people. Most were businessmen, people concerned about the economy, people worried about the political future of South Africa and people worried about the future of their kids in education, "Ryan said.

According to Lippincott, despite news about the crackdown on immigration, the US economy is booming and will perish without immigration. At the time of Trump, this is encouraging news.

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