Opinion Polls: Beyond Twaweza, Costech Rank – Political Reforms


Dar es Salaam. Opinion polls could be the new battlefield as the country moves towards the 2020 general election – if the brief storm that the recent Twaweza survey has sparked is something to be done.

The popularity of President John Magufuli

Last week, the Tanzanian Commission for Science and Technology (Costech) came with flaming weapons, determined to test researchers for not having followed the procedure. which became viral, more wrinkled feathers, Costech demanded an explanation from Twaweza as to why the action should not be taken against her for sounding "unauthorized"

Confusion reigned supreme, nevertheless, after a High Costech official failed to explain to a press conference in Dar es Salaam, under which section of the law he sought to punish Twaweza for the conduct and publication of the poll opinion results.

While Costech Acting Chief Executive Officer Amos Nungu confessed to having sent a letter to Twaweza, he shocked reporters after refusing to shed light on the commission's decision to confront Twaweza after the publication of the report. study called Speaking Truth to Power? The citizens' viewpoint on politics in Tanzania

The ensuing confusion, flip-flop and failure to get rid of the legal basis of Costech's decision has since led to generalized speculations. Some experts have warned against the stress of the polls, which is interesting, so far, has not had such a strong reaction from the authorities.

Maria Sarungi-Tsehai, director of Change Tanzania, says the Costech / Twaweza saga is politically motivated. and that it is a sign that opinion polls will become a contentious issue in the future.

"Twaweza continued to publish a number of opinion polls on various topics.In fact, last year, a very similar poll on people's opinions on politics and ratings of 39, approval of the leaders, including the president, were published and announced, but we have not seen any request from Costech, "she explains.a clear reason for reprimand" by government agencies to make pressure on private actors when they have the impression of not acting as expected by the authorities. "

" In my opinion, it is not only unfortunate, but also a threat to Nick Kasera Oyoo , research and communications consultant at Midas Touché East Africa, says pollsters are development actors, and polls are not done with "pocket discoveries".

"Do not do it in order to demolish, but rather to build," he says. "But if they (Costech) want to (ask us for permits) they have to go through a legal procedure to do the subject stipulated in the law."

Oyoo says that after the Twaweza issue, Costech has to clarify its decision because the issue of opinion polls has not been clearly stipulated in the law (Costech).

Ironically, the acting chief executive of Costech, Dr. Nungu, also told reporters last week that the commission did not have the mandate to conduct opinion polls, and that the commission was not in charge. there is no need to ask them for a permit for such an exercise.

This is not the first time Twaweza has been conducting a poll of opinion. Prior to the 2015 general election, the organization released the results of a poll that placed presidential candidate John Magufuli in front of his main challenger Edward Lowassa

The organization also published several publications under the administration of the fifth phase.

Fatma Karume, president of the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS), says that Twaweza has not broken any rules or norms in her recent and previous opinion polls

. confusion to different legal interpretations saying that the law is very clear and offers no divergent interpretation.

Fatma says that opinion polls and scientific research are two different things and that Costech, being the experts in the field, should have known better. 19659002] "I think it is very important for those who are chosen to head various government agencies to be well aware of the laws that establish them, otherwise they Semkae Kilonzo, coordinator of the Tanzania Policy Forum, asserts that any attempt to stifle opinion polls is an infringement of people's rights. "Opinion polls are crucial to a vibrant democracy because they give people the opportunity to Expressing their opinions and expressing an opinion on how they are governed, "he says.

Commenting on Costech's decision, he adds: also risks hindering the freedom of 39, which is important for decision-makers and inquisitive decision makers who are looking for innovative and relevant solutions to many of society's problems. "

Samuel Muthuka, National Director of Ipsos-synovate agencies align their responsibilities to avoid the onfusion. "It will be for the well-being of citizens and other development actors in this country."

His organization, he adds, has always been in contact with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) as clearly stipulated in the law. 19659002] Apparently, Costech applied a general rule that gives them the power to document and record all research activities in the country and to ensure that they respect and observe "national rules and regulations ".

Article 5 (1) of the Costech Act states that the commission is the main advisory body of the government on all matters relating to scientific research and technological development in the country.

And the Costech research guidelines define research as "any type of systematic investigation, testing, or assessment designed to develop or contribute to a body of knowledge. "Studies are those that usually lead to new concepts, products or processes for overall improvement.

Experts say that Twaweza's opinion polls are public perceptions about knowledge, attitude, and experience. But because of their statistical nature, Twaweza has been in contact with the SNB, which, according to the law, is responsible for regulating and supervising the collection and dissemination of all statistical information.

Some members of the public seem disconcerted. that the commission acted on the Twaweza case, accused the Costech rulers of jumping the gun. They talked about how the NGO registrar acted a few months ago when she wrote a scathing letter to clerics. It was suspended after the government distanced itself from its letter.

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