Parliament Speaker Job Ndugai declares the seat of the Ukonga constituency – News


Dar es Salaam. President of the National Assembly Job Ndugai said Monday, July 30, 2018 that the seat of the Parliament of Ukonga was vacant.

The President confirmed that he received a letter of resignation from Ukonga MP Mwita Waitara. , CCM, Saturday

M. Ndugai revealed it today at the State House in Dodoma during a ceremony at which President John Magufuli handed 67 land grant certificates to 67 embassies and international organizations for the establishment of their offices. 19659002] Mr Waitara, who served his first term in Parliament on the opposition party 's entry ticket, Chadema, said he had lost favor with the party leadership. He said that he thought it would serve better in CCM, even though it is still unclear whether he will defend the siege.

million. Ndugai said that after the defection of Mr. Waitara, he automatically ceases to be the legislator of the constituency

"So I informed the National Electoral Commission (NEC) of the appropriate measures" , did he declare. Electoral District of Dar es Salaam

Speaking of the awarding of land certificates, Mr. Ndugai said that he welcomed the diplomats to establish their base in Dodoma which had been waiting for many years for its actual status.

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