Paul Kagame's Inaugural Speech – Lessons for African Leaders


We view his inaugural address as a strong message to African leaders that they honor their election promises.

When General Paul Kagame led the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) during a fierce conflict, he took control of an abandoned country. the world, fractured and left to bleed. As president, Kagame led Rwanda to political stability, and the country recorded positive economic growth. Rwanda recently went to the polls and after a landslide victory, Kagame was sworn in as president, a third term approved by Rwandans. In his inaugural speech, Kagame swept away the controversial civilization statement of French President Emmanuel Macron and declared: "Africa has no problems with civilization, only assets."

In the presence of several state leaders of the African Union's agenda that he defended; Kagame said: "Every African country has to face efforts to force us to live on the terms of someone else and demands that we replace the systems that work well for us.

President Kagame has been criticized by critics, especially Western and European media for running for a third term, many of them forcing the definition of Western democracy in African countries and arguing that Kagame is an autocratic leader who oppresses the citizens. In his speech, Kagame swept the criticism and made it clear that there was no single model for building the nation.

Kagame's speech recalled speeches made by African leaders during the 1960s when the spirit of Pan-Africanism was fervent. . By focusing on African unity, it is unfortunate that AU itself has been unable to play critical roles in various crises in Africa.

The future of Africa depends on Africa's ability to find solutions to its own problems. "Governance and prosperity of Africa can not be outsourced," he said. "

Kagame's inauguration speech could be seen as a call to Africa and its leaders to learn about post-colonial mistakes, to forge a new Africa for the future. [19659008] [ad_2]
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