Paul McCartney fans "gutted" to miss Cavern's secret concert tickets, despite waiting hours


Paul McCartney's fans were heartbroken after standing in line in front of The Cavern for hours to get tickets for his secret concert, discovering that they should have been at the Echo Arena.

A few people headed to the Mathew Street place just after learning that the former Beatle was going to give a surprise concert in the city – that he announced yesterday during a discussion online with Jarvis Cocker.

Until 9 o'clock this morning, neither the time nor the place had been confirmed – and we had not announced where the tickets would be distributed.

  Paul McCartney fans Eliza Henny and Tom Barry camp in front of The Cavern
Paul McCartney fans Eliza Henny and Tom Barry camp in front of The Cavern

A 9h tweet on behalf of Sir Paul indicates that the secret concert will be held at 14:00 today at The Cavern – had to be collected at the Echo Arena box office.

LIVE: Paul McCartney's secret concert at the Cavern – times, tickets

Emma Ley had been waiting in Mathew Street for about 10 hours when she heard the news.

She tweeted: Expected out @ cavernliverpool last night for about 10 hours for tickets to see @ PaulMcCartney only to find out that they were being given the echo from the arena then arrived there 5 minutes too late. Gutted is a euphemism "

John Docherty suggested that tickets should have been distributed differently.

  James Ward was a fan of Paul McCartney
James Ward was a fan of Paul McCartney

He tweeted: "In the mess, they should have given half the time to The Cavern, then the other half to the Echo Arena. Paul McCartney announces a visit from Freshen Up to the Echo Arena

Lisa Robshaw said: "Standing in front of the Liverpool Jury, people are watching the audience at the Echo, the secret concert of McCartney – people literally run to the place! Their little faces disappointed when they get their fill. "

There were more than 200 people in the queue when the Echo box office Arena opened at 10am. available, so some fans left d

However, those who managed to get a ticket were celebrating

Ged said: "I've made the cut for a Paul McCartney ticket after only having learned 5 minutes before I had to work. "

And Alan O 'Hare added, "The smoke on the #McCartney tickets proves that the @thebeatles are still where they are.

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