People Daily reporter killed along Thika Road ▷


Mediamax journalist Robin Obino dies

Obino, a writer for the national newspaper The People Daily, died instantly after being hit by a vehicle traveling along Thika Road on Thursday July the 5th.

witnessed the incident, Obino was struck by the vehicle while he was crossing the busy road near Safari Park, while he was trying to cross the road a few meters from a gateway.

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People Daily reporter Robin Obino Photo: Geoffrey Mosoku / Facebook
Source: Facebook

On Thursday, July 5th, a tweet of Ma3 Road seen by, showed an unhappy image of an unidentified man lying on the road after being hit by the vehicle in rapid movement along the road to Thika.

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Journalist allegedly chose not to use bridge pedestrian who was several meters from his crossing point to cut the distance of his destination through the

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L & Incident occurs at the following e from a report by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) released Monday, January 8, 2018 which showed that pedestrians accounted for 70% of the 2,965 registered road traffic deaths. in 2017.

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Duncan Kibogong, NTSA Director Expressed Concern for Pedestrians Being Victims the deadliest of the carnage and urged the public to strictly respect the rules of road safety.

Other major victims of road carnage are motorcyclists, especially those with extra passengers.

According to NTSA, the Thika, Mombasa, Jogoo, Airport North, Eastern Bypass, Lang & Ata and Waiyaki Way roads have a high number of pedestrians. deaths.

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