Pharmacies Reveal Heart Medications After Refrigeration Because They Contain Chemicals That May Cause Cancer


Drugs commonly used by heart patients have been recalled for fear that they contain a chemical that can cause cancer.

It is advisable for pharmacies throughout Europe to recall all lots of the drug valsartan, also sold under the names Diovan and Exforge.

An impurity that can cause cancer has been detected in the drug, widely used to treat hypertension, after a change in its manufacturing process in its factory in China.

But it is often given to patients who have had a heart attack.

  Some lots of valsartan tablets were urgently recalled
Some lots of valsartan tablets were recalled urgently

"A Physician or Health Professional" We continue to undertake an urgent review of all these products that may pose a low risk to public health, "said Dr. Sam Atkinson, of the Agency. Regulation of Medicines and Health Products (MHRA)

". Our top priority is to ensure that the medicines you take are safe. "

Patients should now return any lot of valsartan or brand name to their pharmacy and talk to their general practitioner.

  Medication helps the heart to pump blood around the body
heart to pump blood around the body

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Alternative products, which are not affected by the. The recall is available in the United Kingdom.

An investigation is underway on the magnitude of the problem, but it is thought that most of the EU will be affected.

The drug reduces blood pressure and makes heart easier to pump blood around the body.

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