Pokémon Go Cheaters face three strikes before being beaten up with Ban Hammer


Three Strokes and You Are Meowth ! Niantic has just released a new three-step discipline policy for its poplar game Pokémon Go . The policy aims to crack down on the many creative ways to cheat in the game.

Niantic defines cheating as the downloading and use of "modified or unofficial software", playing with multiple accounts, sharing accounts, sell or trade accounts, and / or use tools that relate to your current position. The developer acknowledges that his definition will probably have to change since "cheating methods, unfortunately, are limited only by the imagination of cheaters." Players may also be disciplined for harassing other players, posting videos or photos of another player without their consent, or posting pornography, obscenities or hate speech.

  pokemon go

Niantic's new disciplinary systems begin by warning a player and eventually banning them. When a player receives his "first move", he will see a warning message when he opens the game for the first time. They will be unable to meet rare Pokémon in the wild or receive new EX Raid Passes for seven days. If a player receives a second strike, he will lose access to his account for 30 days. They will receive a message announcing their suspension when they open the game and will be unable to bypass it. A player will be permanently banned from the game if he receives a third shot.

Niantic also noted that some players will be outright banned from the game for "some bad behavior". They did not specify what these "bad behaviors" are. However, it seems that the strike system is for those who make "mistakes" and not malicious behavior.

  pokemon go global

Niantic's clarification of his disciplinary system follows several new features of Pokémon Go . Last year Pokémon Go released "Field" and "Special" research that helps players win rewards or catch rare Pokémon. Coaches are responsible for a variety of goals such as winning gymnastics battles or walking a certain distance with their Buddy Pokémon.

Last June, Niantic activated the Friends Lists and Friendship Levels. Coaches can now send gifts, trade Pokémon and fight with their friends. The higher the level of friendship of a pair, the greater the benefits of negotiation, giving and fighting will be important.

In light of Pokémon Go many new features, it's easy to see how cheating could really reduce the fun of the game. Hopefully the Niantic Disciplinary System will discourage cheaters.

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