Prepare the Middle East and North Africa for future jobs | Opinion, commentary


If current demographic trends persist, by 2050, the Middle East and North Africa region will have to create 300 million jobs in the North.

Even more difficult, it is imperative to immediately create more than 10 million jobs a year to cope with the population growth of the region.

The challenge for countries in the MENA region and around the world is to adapt to the new digital economy, to exploit its potential and to ensure that every new generation is able to seize the opportunities it creates.

As the world evolves, education systems must also adapt, and now!

This reform should begin in pre-primary education, where only 30% of children in the Middle East and North Africa are currently enrolled, although it is clearly established that the early years are the moment where the ability to quickly learn new skills is established.

This will require more flexible social security systems that are no longer tied to particular jobs.

Will the Middle East and North Africa region create the 300 million new jobs needed by 2050 to enable its large youth population to drive the economy to the world? Future and prosper?

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