Problems with WB financing and sustainable water supply


He said that the construction of socialism was not obvious from day to day and often depended on the headlines of the day, thus lighting up a positive mood if they were good, and the progressive opinion sinking into the despair if the titles were bad.

It could be said that one element of the first type appeared at the end of June (now that this situation has not changed or has returned because of the declared socialist policies of the fifth phase) with respect to the financing of water supply.

A business-driven flagship newspaper wrote: "Three Million Targeted by World Bank Funds at $ 350 Million", a situation that should have pleased the ardent supporters of the revived development projects of the fifth phase.

Those who have greater confidence in recession are retreating, however, aware of the cyclical nature of the funds and water projects carried out by public water plans, as they tend to to be seasonal, more or less like the seasonal roads build these days, instead of all the old weather roads.

An excellent water supply project arrives, the "material" is set up (often plastic, barely buried and likely to burst and throw water when it flows). That's part of the game.

Why should this be the case? The reason is that the bureaucracy tends to be more and more parasitic on the government, ie on the public finances, the more the incomes do not measure with the lifestyles, and the more the layers In this case, each project is "carefully" designed to attract the highest possible funding, which implies rather misleading quotes of the cost paraphernalia, and sometimes the treasury itself. try to check these quotes. .

Yet, on a casual glance, it seems like there is a closer scrutiny of the expenditures in a project rather than its design features and the adequacy of this model , and the checks follow the failure.

the designs to be adopted, funded and implemented, which facilitate regular public scams by staff of government departments and agencies, which could be considered normal for 20 years, and some would say 30 or 40 years .

The second phase involved a more competitive element, but in its second phase, multi-party structures were introduced, where an "unholy alliance" emerged between the ruling party's Secretariat and local governments.

It was based on the Nigerian maxim "I scratch your back, you scratch mine", or more simply "you hatchet, I chop", because it is from this period that all the negative tendencies Project expenditures have taken root.

Based on the documentation of many sources relating to financial transparency (often focused on the extractive industry as it involves multinational corporations obedient to public opinion, not ruthless local authorities), the World Bank has, in relation to these issues.

The bank created a culture of convenience around her especially during the years of the Clinton administration's first term, where a Clinton economic adviser, Professor Joseph Stiglitz was appointed to the same position at the bank, as chief economist.

This darling of Third World economists, the kind of experts surrounding corrupt and ineffective regimes in the world and Africa in particular, saw the issue less in terms of corruption than "strengthening the illustrated in the third and fourth phases. It can be argued that the World Bank, created in the midst of the cold war or achieving its global functions and reach during this period, has lost its main sentiment surrounding its creation, where the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the only one of its kind. is given the role of a bank.

The World Bank (regrouping three entities, one for interest-free loans – IDA and another for low interest rate loans – IBRD – and the third for the loan to the private sector and the role of quasi-venture capital – IFC), behaving like a grant to the credit institution, not giving money, but certainly not lending the same way that & ## 147 ## A bank, unlike the IMF which has strict controls in this regard.

It therefore becomes a fund to support acceptable policies for funding authorities and ultimately simply to maintain the plans by funding basic public needs, such as water.

It helps to avoid the crisis when inefficient governments do not succeed, but Like the old colonial powers, the World Bank is resigned on this point, that the limitations are of a cultural nature, and on the basis of this "difference" , continues to finance development projects with a half-life.

Once the equipment needs major repairs, the system will collapse as it can not keep up and the government gets compliments and votes with new projects rather than old ones. Thus, the area of ​​the first project will gradually fall into crisis and eventually benefit from new funding from the World Bank, ad nauseam.

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