Publication of the report of the commission of the shootings on August 1st


President of the MDC Alliance, Nelson Chamisa
President of the MDC Alliance, Nelson Chamisa

Harare – The commission of inquiry set up by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to investigate the violence that rocked Harare on 1 August completed his report and yesterday presented a summary to the country's leader.

The spokesman for the commission chaired by former South African President Kgalema Motlanthe, John Masuku, confirmed that the report was out and that an executive summary had already been presented to Mnangagwa.

"Today (Thursday), the commission has presented to the president what we call a summary, while the full report will be presented this Saturday. In short, yes, the report is complete but we have sent it to government printers for printing and binding. This report will be presented to the President and the public this Saturday. " Said Masuku.

The seven-member commission was sworn in at Mnangagwa on 19 September 2018 and has three months to report on the violence that took place in Harare on 1 August, resulting in the deaths of six civilians.

Other members include: UK-based Queen's Council Rodney Dixon, former Commonwealth Secretary General and Nigerian National Chief Emeka Anyaoku, former Tanzanian Defense Force Leader Davis Mwamunyange, Dean from political science to Charity Manyeruke, the lecturer to the UZ Constitutional Law and Professor Lovemore Madhuku of the Constitution, leader of the NCA as well as the former president of the Zimbabwean Bar, Ms. Vimbai Nyemba.

The last auditions took place on Tuesday. Zanu PF, represented by his secretary to the administration, Obert Mpofu, presented his version of the story.

Former Minister of Home Affairs, Mpofu came to the witness stand and claimed that snipers could have been responsible for the deaths of six civilians on August 1, exonerating the army.

On Monday, the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti appeared before the commission which has the mandate to unveil what and caused the violence that rocked Harare on 1 August.

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