Queensland trial giving Viagra to pregnant women arrested after the death of the Netherlands | News from Australia


A Queensland study on reducing fetal distress during delivery with the use of Viagra was discontinued after the death of 11 babies in a clinical trial in the Netherlands using the same drug.

Sailesh Kumar, prof. At Mater Mother Hospital, the dose of Sildenafil, sold as Viagra and dilating the blood vessels in the pelvis, was much lower than in the Dutch study

. The Queensland study was used over a much shorter period. But it was interrupted as a precaution as he was gathering more information from Dutch researchers, he added.

"Our study is in a very different context," Kumar said Wednesday. Sildenafil in women with term pregnancies that are grown appropriately. These are babies at 37 and beyond weeks.

"Our main goal is to see if it reduces the risk of a baby in distress at work."

The Dutch study, which began in 2015, examined the possible benefits of increased blood flow to the placenta in mothers whose unborn babies were severely underdeveloped.

Eleven babies of mothers using the drug died.

When the overseas trial was stopped on Monday, about Sildenafil, the University Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam (AMC) stated in a statement

that Kumar said that he was not safe. a decision on the future of the Queensland study would be made in a fortnight and that they had stopped recruiting mothers for their research.

He said that about 240 women had participated in the study and that there had been no adverse results, comparing mothers who had taken a placebo and those who had received sildenafil.

"" In light of these results from Holland, we will go back and discuss the matter with them and make a decision in the coming weeks. "

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