Report: A woman receives a fish pedicure that causes the fall of her nails


According to a report by JAMA Dermatology, a fashionable makeover, the fish-based pedicure, caused the falling of a woman's nails.

A fish pedicure involves a person who plunges his feet into a bath of warm water filled with Garra rufa, otherwise known as "doctor fish". JAMA Dermatology describes that small fish, being omnivorous, eat human skin when plant sources are insufficient.

The New York Post reports that a 20-year-old woman from the JAMA Dermatology study contracted onychomadesis from the pedicure procedure. Onychomadesis causes destruction of the nails.

Women's nails stop growing and eventually fall. After six months, the woman went to see a dermatologist. The doctors ruled out other possible causes of the disease before finding the most likely culprit: pedicure of fish.

Sheri Lipner, an assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine of Columbia University and a physician dealing with the case, told Gizmodo: "Although the mechanism of action is not entirely clear, it is likely that the fish traumatizes the matrix of the nail. "

According to Lipner, it would be the first case of onychomadese documented by fish.

that the 10-year trend has become less fashionable amidst reports, it could spread blood-borne infections, such as HIV and hepatitis C, if patients bleed into the bloodstream. ;water.

Lipner said that she could not reveal where the patient had her pedicure to protect her anonymity. The procedure has been banned in several states, including New York. Pedicures are still popular in China.

Lipner said in the JAMA report: "Firstly, bins and fish can not be properly disinfected between people, and the same fish are usually reused for successive people. these pedicures. "

Women's nails will come back, but not for long, said Lipner. The toenails grow only one millimeter per month on average, while an entire nail can take up to 18 months to be replaced. For the moment, it will be necessary to wait to see what will be the results after the treatment.

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